2022 Annual Report
Key results

key governance outcomes influenced by GWP activities

new local, national, regional, and river basin policies, plans, and strategies

investment plans, strategies, and budget commitments

river basin agreements and management frameworks

learning exchanges

knowledge products produced to address stakeholder needs for better water management

million euros worth of investments (approximately) can be linked to GWP’s work since 2020

I’m looking forward to serving a global network that has a lot of reputational capital because of the unusual nature of the way it works – ensuring that the voices of water at the local level links to and informs global insights.

2022 was a very fruitful and symbolic year for all the actors of the water sector in West Africa when, for the first time, we hosted the World Water Forum in our region mobilising nearly 13,000 participants despite the challenges of the Covid-19 health pandemic.
This year’s digital annual report presents snapshots of our key achievements, our partnerships and events, and includes stories that illustrate how our work advances global and national water security objectives and partnerships. You can also download this two-page Executive Summary (PDF) for a quick overview.
GWP is grateful to the Partners whose financial and in-kind contributions help implement our strategy and programmes. GWP wishes to thank all those who have contributed to this Annual Report.
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Photo credits: GWP regions, Canva, Cap-Net, Envato, Pexels, Unsplash
© Global Water Partnership 2023