2023 Annual Report
A year of inspiring results

key water governance improvements influenced by GWP activities

new national, regional, and river basin policies, plans, and strategies

investment plans, strategies, and budget commitments

river basin agreements and management frameworks

learning exchanges

technical reports, online learning communities, manuals and other knowledge products

million euros worth of investments (approximately) can be linked to GWP’s work since 2020
Reflecting on a year of progress

I’m thrilled to join GWP. For me, water has always been key to sustainable development. My goal for GWP is to be more like water: essential, always in motion, and making ripples that grow into waves of change.

In 2023, GWP continued to show its relevance in working towards a water secure world. We assisted 67 countries to evaluate how well they are managing their water resources, through SDG 6.5.1, and we supported the production and launch of the landmark report of the International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, Africa’s Rising Investment Tide, aiming to leverage US$30 billion annually in water investments.

GWP has continued to support countries to increase water-related climate investments – influencing directly and indirectly an estimated €272 million in 2023, many of which specifically focused on climate. Through this, we are influencing real change and good governance of water resources and resilience to climate change on the ground.

We were delighted with the exceptional entries to the 2023 Water Changemaker Awards, which showcased climate-resilient innovations with potential to scale, paving the way for a more sustainable and water-secure future. It’s also exciting to see the expansion of the Communities of Practice hosted on the IWRM Action Hub, connecting and supporting water professionals to improve the way water is managed globally.
Advancing knowledge and learning on water
This year’s digital annual report presents snapshots of our key achievements, partnerships and events, and includes stories that illustrate how our work advances global and national water security objectives and partnerships. You can also download this two-page Executive Summary (PDF) for a quick overview. And here is the link to our complete GWP Annual Progress Review for 2023.
GWP is grateful to the Partners whose financial and in-kind contributions help implement our strategy and programmes. GWP wishes to thank all those who have contributed to this annual report.
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Photo credits: GWP Regions, Cap-Net UNDP, Canva, Envato, Pexels, Unsplash.
Header image: adapted from “Teresia Oloitai collects water” by Morgana Wingard, USAID. Used under CC BY-NC 2.0.
© Global Water Partnership 2024