Branding Programmes

GWP works with strategic allies on thematic programmes as part of its work to see IWRM implemented in different contexts.

Each GWP Programme has been assigned a specific colour. Each Programme's colour will be used on all GWP products relating to that Programme, making them distinguishable from those of other Programmes.

To show that each Programme is connected to GWP, specific elements of all products will contain the GWP colours where green shades into blue. This will illustrate a connection to GWP, while enabling each Programme to remain distinct and easily identifiable.


The use coulours and design is better described in the GWP Visual Brand - Policy & Guidelines.

A set of briefs with design samples of Programme branding can also be viewed and downloaded here.

More information on the programmes including flyers produced can be found here where each programme is presented.


Branding images for each programme can be downloaded from this Flickr set and are free to use. Region specific images are often better to use, so please feel free to use these images or similar ones in your communication.