Flickr Guide (Photos)

Flickr is an online treasure trove of photographs from around the world, covering every aspect of water, that is at your disposal for use in publications and online. It is important for the regions to join the GWP group (if not already members) and contribute photos.

GWPO uses Flickr for its photo archive. The global secretariat has a public Flickr that can be accessed by media:

It includes pictures that we have selected for public use.

The global secretariat also has an internal Flickr which works as an online archive of ALL pictures that we have. It is available only via login details:

This GWP global Flickr is part of a group for GWP Regional Water Partnerships. We recommend all RWPs create their own Flickr account and to join the group so that you have access to ALL pictures by ALL RWPs including the global secretariat’s photos. A subscription costs only 12 USD per year. Please note that you may not upload any copyrighted pictures, only pictures that are free of charge.

Download guide on how to use Flickr.