Google Analytics tracking

Google Anlaytics provides a very simple way to tag your links so that we can report the interest generated by our communications.

What is tagging?

It is a simple method of adding values to a URL so that google analytics will record the inbound visit to our websites. This will tell us where people have come from and how effective our communications activities online are.

How to tag a URL

1)      Use this tool:

2)      (Optional) If you are on twitter etc. use a URL shortener to hide the long URL and make your post more attractive:

3)      Replace your old link with the new one

Use the link in (1), to build the url for you based on the information you provide, the url (e.g. and the terms you want to use in each tag. Below is a set of terms we can use consistently so that we all do the same. Each tag has an explanation of what it’s for, an example and a consistent set of terms for us all to use.


See how to do it.