Online Publishing Guide (EWS)

The Online Publishing Guide (EWS) is a practical tool that supports the Graphical Policy.

Website: Each region has individual login details.

GWP subscribes to an online publishing tool called EWS which can be used by the network for the creation of GWP communications material. Using the templates for the production of documents reinforces a global brand identity for GWP. EWS allows the user to prepare the material to a print-ready state and material can be printed locally. The templates are dynamic: text and images can be altered. The layout (font, graphic design, colours) is static.

GWP printed material

You can create your own GWP material such as posters in various sizes, business cards, banners, programmes, cards, and fact sheets. The print-ready file in high resolution that you create is sent to you by e-mail. The creation of a high resolution pdf file costs 50 euro which is charged to the GWP Global Secretariat for all templates except for certificates and business cards.

Files/Printed matters difference

The set-up under Files and Printed matters is the same. There is one important difference in terms of printing location. If you create the publication using “Files”, it will be sent to you for local printing. If you select “Printed matters” it will be printed in Sweden.

Download guide on how to use EWS.