Setting up a GWP Style'd Blog or smaller site

Wordpress is a simple and efficient platform for creating blogs, microsites etc. that wouldn't normally sit on the platform.

To create a new blog go to (create a new account if you need to. You can use your personal wordpress account if you have one, but make sure that someone in GWP has admin rights to the blog as well, or create a new generic GWP account for your region/office/team etc.).

After creating a new blog, and loggin in, you will see a Dashboard. Before working with the new site you must make it look like a GWP website.

Go to your new dashboard, then from the left hand nav, Appearance->Custom design then Choose CSS from the tab menu. You will see that you can add custom css on this page, but initially it will tell you that you can only preview your updates but not show them live until you have purchased the Custom Design plugin. This is normal. You will need to purchase this plugin, so fetch a credit card and buy it.

Next you will want to add your custom css so the site can look "GWP".

  • Simply download this file which contains all the css to your local computer. Open it in notepad (or other plain text editor, do NOT use Word) and copy and paste the contents into the style sheet box. Under CSS Settings, turn off the current theme choosing "Don't use the ..... CSS, and replace everything with my own CSS"
  • Click on Preview to check it works, then Save Stylesheet.
  • To alter the logo being shown, upload a new logo to wordpress, or get a link from another website with the image and replace the URL in the CSS (shown in bold below):

#branding #site-title span {
background:url('') top left no-repeat;

Now you need to configure wordpress itself. This is out of scope for this tutorial, but as a general pointer the most important things to set up are the comments and feedback rules, so that you avoid spam and only allow comments in a controlled way.