

An interactive water-saving game!

The Alter Aqua Video Game was developed by GWP-Med in the framework of the Non Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) Programme in Malta - Alter Aqua, as a helpful tool to raise awareness and sensitize primary and secondary school students on the use of non conventional water resources and water saving in everyday life.

Alex, the main character of the game, is a teenager whose goal is to manage the water available for one day in his water bucket, by cleverly choosing the most efficient and sustainable way to use it, as well as making use of other water recourses. In each activity he has two options: one which uses unnecessarily large amount of water and the other which saves water, either by utilising non conventional water resources (rainwater harvested & recycled grey water at home) or by being more efficient. Quick messages appear each time the player selects an option, explaining the water benefit or loss, and thus encouraging sustainable water use. The domestic use of non conventional water resources is promoted by showcasing the methods and the benefits of reuse for secondary uses.

Water being a vital resource for life, development and the environment, it is crucial that the youth is sensitized on the importance of saving water and utilizing non conventional resources, where available. The Alter Aqua Video Game promotes a much needed new water culture of responsible and wise water user of the presence and future.