The signing of the agreement is meant to facilitate the implementation of the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) by the CWP in Burkina for the period from 2011 to 2016. Under the terms of this agreement, WACDEP will bring financial support to the SP / PAGIRE which is a structure set up by the Government of Burkina Faso for the implementation of national IWRM plan, to conduct a study to develop a fundraising strategy and a capacity building plan for actors in water and adaptation to climate change in Burkina Faso. This study aims to identify, define and put together funding mechanisms of various financial partners in the water sector in Burkina Faso. It will also address key barriers to access to finance and will propose the main measures to overcome these barriers in order to allow the different actors in the water sector to have an easier access to financial resources.
This study will allow the CWP-BF benefit from an advocacy strategy to mobilize funding and a plan to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders. That is why the Chair of the CWP, Mr. Nikiema expressing his gratitude to SP / PAGIRE their collaboration in the implementation of the WACDEP stated his hopes that this protocol is the source of future strengthened collaboration.
The agreement presented in 10 sections defines the modalities for funding this important activity for both parties. In the implementation of the activity it is expected that the SP / PAGIRE and CWP-BF hire a consultant who will identify the technical and financial partners (institutional, decentralized cooperation, NGOs, etc.) and areas of intervention and analyze the strategies, plans and priorities for cooperation of each donor in order to identify an advocacy strategy and an operational plan for its implementation. The financial support provided by WACDEP amounts to about fifteen thousand euros (about ten million FCFA). The SP / PAGIRE, Dr. Ki welcomed the initiative and thanked the WACDEP partners for the implementation of the initiative will enable Burkina Faso to achieve a number of important actions.
Burkina: WACDEP strenthens ties with partners
The Chairman of the Country Water Partnership of Burkina Faso (BF CWP), Mr. Dieudonne NIKIEMA signed Tuesday, June 25, 2013 a Memoradum of Understanding with the Permanent Secretary of the Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management ( SP / IWRM), Dr. Fulgence KI.