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GWP ToolBox website, an online database of how an integrated approach to water resources management is being implemented around the globe with tools, reference material and case studies.
In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water has produced resources on Water Security and Climate Resilient Development in English, French and Portuguese.
GWP Tool Box (Climate Tools)
Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM)
UNDP Cap Net www.cap-net.org
World bank Climate change knowledge Portal
Climate Finance Options
UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programme
AMCEN guidebook Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide towards Sustainable Development. The guidebook is available at http://www.unep.org/roa/amcen/docs/publications/guidebook_CLimateChange.pdf
The guidebook has synthesized relevant material from IPCC, UN reports and other documentation on emerging issues on environment, climate change and development. It is written in a style suitable for policymakers and practitioners and provides guidance and practical advice on how to address climate change issues in the development and implementation of actions leading to sustainable development. The Guidebook is largely self-contained and stand alone, but guides users to relevant materials in the form of links and annexes.
Guides on Managing Extreme Events and Disasters
Managing climate extremes and disasters in the water sector
Managing climate extremes and disasters in the agricultural sector
Managing climate extremes and disasters in the health sector
Managing climate extremes and disasters for ecosystems
As climate change will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events, immediate action is needed to avoid further damage and build resilience.The briefs provide guidance to policymakers and planners with sets of scientific findings and key suggestions for the water, agriculture, health and ecosystems sectors. The guides were developed by CDKN based on the IPCC SREX report.