Technical References

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water has produced the following resources on Water Security and Climate Resilient Development in English, French and Portuguese.


The material has been developed as part of the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP), an AMCOW programme implemented by Global Water Partnership (GWP). It has evolved through a strong collaborative relationship between AMCOW and its Technical Advisory Committee, GWP and the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) who funded the work.

Policy Briefs

Policy Brief 1: Water Security for Development in an Uncertain Climate
Note d’orientation 1: La sécurité en eau pour le développement sous un climat incertain
Síntese de políticas 1: Segurança da Água para o Desenvolvimento em Clima Incerto
Policy Brief 2: Building on the Foundations of Integrated Water Resources Management
Note d’orientation 2: S’appuyer sur le socle de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau
Síntese de políticas 2: Consolidar as Bases da Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Hídricos
Policy Brief 3: Ensuring Adaptation At All Levels
Note d’orientation 3: Garantir une adaptation à tous les niveaux
Síntese de políticas 3: Garantir Adaptação a Todos os Níveis
Policy Brief 4: Managing Risks and Making Robust Decisions for Development
Note d’orientation 4: Gérer les risques et prendre des décisions robustes pour le développement
Síntese de políticas 4: Gerir riscos e tomar decisões sólidas para o desenvolvimento
Policy Brief 5: Innovative Approaches to Water and Climate Financing
Note d’orientation 5: Des approches innovantes en matière de financement de l’eau et du climat
Síntese de políticas 5: Abordagens inovadoras para financiamento ligado à água e ao clima

Policy Brief Summary: Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development
Note d’orientation Résumé: Cadre stratégique pour la sécurité en eau et un développement résilient au changement climatique
Síntese de políticas Resumo: Quadro Estratégico para Segurança da Água e Desenvolvimento Resiliente às Alterações Climáticas

Strategic Framework Document

Strategic Framework: Water Security and Climate Resilient Development
Cadre stratégique: Sécurité en eau et développement résilient au changement climatique
Quadro Estratégico: Segurança da Água e Desenvolvimento Resiliente às Alterações Climáticas

Technical Background Document

Technical Background Document: Water Security and Climate Resilient Development
Sécurité en eau et développement résilient au changement climatique
Segurança da Água e Desenvolvimento Resiliente às Alterações Climáticas