Terms of Use, Privacy and Registration

In using this website and its community tools, you agree to the following terms of use.

The information on this site is exclusively included as general information. Our goal is to keep all information accurate and up to date. However, the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) accepts no liability for the reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information on or downloaded from the website and no rights whatsoever can be derived from the information or otherwise as a result of using this website.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed within publications posted on the WACDEP websites are entirely those of the author and should not be interpreted as official expressions of AMCOW or GWP. AMCOW nor GWP are responsible for any content posted within our community tools.

For your convenience the website contains links which may lead to servers maintained by persons or organisations other than GWP or AMCOW. GWP nor AMCOW is neither responsible for, nor endorse the content and privacy practices of such websites.

Information sent to GWP through the 'contact feature on the website is not protected and might be viewed by others.

By posting information and data on this website and our community tools you

  • ensure that you own or are authorized to use and share any content you post on the website and its community tools. For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos, videos and copyright protected text you are responsible for securing the approval of the holder of the intellectual property right.
  • are aware that the information and data become publicly available and/or available to all registered users and allow AMCOW and GWP to use the information and data as necessary for the operation of the website.
  • undertake to protect other peoples’ rights and not post any information that may infringe or violate other peoples’ rights. You may not post any personal or financial information of other people and or organisations without prior permission.

You are specifically not allowed to

  • post unlawful, malicious or discriminatory content (e.g. through infringement of intellectual property rights, harassment, threats, pornographic or violent material)
  • post commercial information, unauthorised promotion or else use the website for commercial gain
  • post spam, pyramid schemes
  • use bots, spiders, scrapers or other automated agents to post information to the website
  • upload of viruses or other malicious code
  • collect other users’ information
  • access other peoples’ account(s)

AMCOW and GWP reserve the right to, at their discretion, remove any posting or content which is considered a violation of these terms and conditions. If you feel your rights have be infringed by content on this website please contact GWP at it[at]gwforum.org.

The law of Sweden, excluding its choice of law rules, shall apply to your use of this website and Swedish court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from this website.

Registration and sign up

The following should be agreed to when registering as a user on this website.

By registering at and using this website you

  • confirm that any information provided by you relates to you, is correct, complete and that you do not infringe someone else's personality rights
  • agree that GWP collects and uses the data you submit in accordance with the GWP privacy statement [link to full statement]
  • agree to abide by the terms of use of this website [link to full terms of use]
  • shall not share your password , allow anyone else to use your account or else endanger the security of your account
  • undertake to keep the information you submit accurate and up to date

You can change or complete the data that GWP holds about you by following the update procedure included on our website. If you want your personal data to be deleted from the system, please send an email to it[@]gwpforum.org.

GWP may remove your account if you violate the terms and conditions for use of this website or if we receive relevant complaints from other users. If GWP deletes your account you may not create a new one without prior permission.

Partner application

In applying to become a Partner of the GWP Network you

  • confirm that your organisation wishes to apply to become a Partner of the GWP Network and that you are authorised to represent the organisation
  • confirm that the information submitted with the application is correct and complete
  • agree that other registered Partners can search the information you submit about your organisation including contact details
  • if the personal data you submit relates to you; agree that GWP collects and uses the data you submit in accordance with the GWP privacy statement [link to full statement]
  • if the personal data you submit belong to someone else; confirm that you have obtained the necessary consent to submit any personal data, such as name and e-mail of contact person, and that this consent allows GWP to collect and use their information in accordance with our privacy statement [link to full statement]
  • agree to abide by the terms of use of this website [link to full rems of use] and to ensure that any person accessing the account on behalf of your organisation undertakes to follow the same.
  • undertake to protect the secrecy of your password and not allow any unauthorised person to use the account of your organisation or else endanger the security of your account.
  • undertake to keep the information you submit accurate and up to date.

You can change or complete the data that GWP holds about you by following the update procedure included on our website. If you want your personal data to be deleted from the system, please send an email to it[@]gwpforum.org.

GWP may remove the account of your organisation if you violate the terms and conditions for use of this website.

Privacy Statement

This website is controlled and maintained by the Global Water Partnership (GWP), as represented by the Global Water Partnership Organisation which is established as an intergovernmental organisation in Stockholm, Sweden. The GWP network further comprise GWP Water Partnerships established as autonomous organisations at regional, national and sub-national levels.
GWP is committed to protecting your privacy and the data that we collect and process on our website. The website includes a number of services which do not require that you register or submit any information. To improve your experience of the website it uses cookies and GWP collects standard log files on its server. These functions are however not used to collect personal data or track individual visitors.  

Some functions of the website require that you submit certain information, such as when you register as a user of the website or your organisation apply to become a Partner. All data you submit will be collected and used by the Global Water Partnership and the GWP Water Partnerships at regional, national and sub-national levels strictly in accordance with this privacy statement. The

GWP collects and uses the data that you submit for the purpose of

  • providing you and/or your organisation with information about GWP
  • administration of the GWP Partners and registered users of this website
  • management of the services GWP offers
  • and for statistical purposes in order to improve this website and our services.


If GWP wishes to use your personal data for any purpose other than indicated in this Privacy Statement we will only do so after your consent to the use of your personal information for these other purposes. GWP does not collect any data about you from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations.

In order to provide you and/or your organisation with the services offered by GWP, the data you submit, including personal data, may be processed in any country in which GWP operates. This includes countries which may not have been assessed as having an adequate level of protection for personal data. The  data you submit is however only processed within the GWP Network of Water Partnerships  and will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent, unless required by law. GWP may however contact you on behalf of external associates with particular information which may be of interest to you and/or your organisation.

In order to profit from the network GWP has established, registered Partners can search for information about and contact details of other registered Partners.

GWP has implemented security policies and technical measures to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure and unauthorised modification. Though GWP will take all reasonable measures to protect your privacy, absolute security cannot be guaranteed. GWP assumes no liability for disclosure of information due to causes beyond our reasonable control. The individuals authorised by GWP to access your data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

GWP may amend this privacy statement. Your use of this website is governed by the statement as currently posted on the GWP website. If any significant change in the way we use personal data is made, GWP will send notice to your registered primary e-mail address.

If you have an enquiry or concern about the administration of your data, or any queries about our Privacy Statement, please contact us at it[@]gwpforum.org.