Sharing Lessons on Water Management Issues in South Asia

GWP SAS is arranging a workshop with the aim to share lessons and experiences on current water management issues, opportunities and challenges faced by the deltaic regions in South Asia, including impending climate change impacts.

The purpose of the workshop, which is to be organised jointly by Bangladesh Water Partnership (BWP) and Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), is to make the best use of available water in South Asia through introduction of climatic information and mitigations of water resources management problems with the special reference to issues related to deltas.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • to share lessons learnt on current issues and opportunities in addressing water and climate change issues in deltaic regions in countries in South Asia.
  • to promote regional cooperation among the countries for improved water management in deltaic regions of South Asia to ensure water security under impending climate change scenario.
  • to share water and climate related lessons and experiences.
  • to assess the impacts on vulnerability of water resources in the management of deltas.

Representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka will attend the two day workshop to share their views, knowledge and experiences on 28 and 29 March 2014 on “Sharing Lessons and Experiences on Current Water Management Issues, Opportunities and Challenges from Deltaic Regions in South Asia including Impending Climate Change Impacts”. Approximately 120 participants are expected at the workshop.