Call for Technical Papers – 6th South Asian Conference on Sanitation

The deadline for submission of technical paper summaries31 May 2015.

SACOSAN is a government led biennial convention held on a rotational basis in each SAARC country which provides a platform for interaction on sanitation.  SACOSANs are intended to develop a Regional agenda on sanitation, enabling learning from the past experiences and setting actions for the future. Objectives of such conferences are to accelerate the progress in sanitation and hygiene promotion in South Asia and to enhance quality of people’s life.

The sixth SACOSAN conference will be hosted by Bangladesh from 11 to 13 January 2016 in Dhaka with the motto of "Better Sanitation, Better life".

The SACOSAN – VI Secretariat invites professionals to submit technical papers to be considered for presentation at the Technical Sessions and the deadline for submission of technical paper summaries – 31 May 2015.

Please see the brochure for more details.