APAN-GWP SAS Workshop successfully concluded in Kathmandu

The regional workshop on “Training needs and gaps assessment on adaptation and resilience to a changing climate in South Asia”, was held successfully in Kathmandu, Nepal from 4-5 September 2013. It was jointly organized by the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) in collaboration with APAN's thematic node for water, Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS).

The 2-day workshop showcased good practices from the region on water security, indigenous knowledge and modern technology being used for resilience in the water sector, underlined the need for water cooperation for climate resilience and laid emphasis on the framing of coherent policies and strategies in relation to IWRM in the region.  

Participants at the workshop included officials from the Country Water Partnerships and their national implementing partners from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Furthermore, participants were present from Maldives, GIZ, ICIMOD, IWMI, NPC, Practical Action and the U.S. Embassy and regional bodies such as NARBO, SAARC and SACEP.