Consultation on “Issues of governance in the water sector"

A multi-stakeholders' consultation on “Issues of governance in the water sector” was organized recently by the India Water Partnership (Global Water Partnership - India) in association with Transparency International India (TII) on June 18 at New Delhi.

At the meeting, the participating experts stressed on the fact that efficient governance required strong leadership policies and regulations to allocate necessary financial resources and provide incentives for increased investment and transparency. They pointed out that key parameters for effective water governance included stakeholders’ responsibility and authority, financial viability, innovation and research and development, capacity building and inter-coordination among the various departments. It was felt that investing in governance reform was more cost-effective compared to the cost of investment in technological solutions.

The consultation was attended by participants from the Government, non-government organizations (NGOs), Delhi's Deputy Mayor, representatives of several residential welfare associations (RWAs), India Water Partnership network partners and officials from Transparency International, India officials.

Former Central Water Commission (CWC) Chairman Anil D Mohile, who chaired the consultation, stated that water resources governance and management scenario in India is undergoing structural changes. In the case of surface water, allocation equals or exceeds available water. So, while one industry uses water, it gives back the water after re-cycling. Hence, the total use remains the same. But, in the case of groundwater, extraction exceeds recharge, pointed out Mohile, adding that this hampers the allocation of water over different sectors and makes the situation more complex.

India Water Partnership's Dr. Veena Khanduri was of the view that in the present day water governance no longer existed in the domain of water managers alone because of multi-level (local, regional, sub-national) and multi-dimensional (economic, social and environmental) factors.

"It is now important to focus on how we as a society can manage our water resources as part of effective water governance as there are multiple authorities and coordinating agencies working at the same time on the issues", she said.

Capacity building of water utilities and a change in mindset of Government officials were also important factors in water governance, added Global Water Partnership's regional council member Dr Prem S Vashishtha.