Consultation Forum on "Water Governance in Assam: Priorities for Knowledge-based Interventions"

A one day Consultation Forum on the topic of “Water Governance in Assam: Priorities for Knowledge-based Interventions”, was organised by GWP-India with the support of its network partner Aarnayak in North-East India.

Forty five participants representing Government, academics, and civil society attended the event. The consultation was chaired by Shri H N Das, former Chief Secretary, Government of Assam.



The consultation focused on identifying and analyzing the most important water-related issues in the state for formulating a set of strategies for effective mitigation focusing on interdisciplinary research, intervention and policy advocacy. While flood and river bank erosion and land degradation due to sand deposit are the major water related problems, Assam is also periodically facing drought like situation," Aaranyak's Head of Water, Climate and Hazard programme, Dr. Partha J Das said. The session on flood and erosion management was moderated by Er. A K Mitra, Board Member of GWP-India and Former Secretary, Water Resource Department, Govt. of Assam who presented an analytical view of the flood and erosion problem in the complexity of the Brahmaputra river system and the inadequacy of knowledge on the same.  

Prof. Chandan of IIT Guwahati talked about the knowledge gaps that exist in the case of the Brahmaputra river basin. He insisted on bridging this gap before going for structural and other interventions to address the water problems.

This event helped focus attention on issues in the water sector in Assam and related policy advocacy. In its coverage of the forum, the Times of India noted that that an issue raised by experts during the forum, was the necessity of having a comprehensive state policy on management of floods and erosion.  This was particularly important since floods and erosion are two major water-induced hazards that ravage the state every year. Discussions during the forum centered on activities covering inter disciplinary research, intervention and policy advocacy for addressing the most important issues and problems in the water sector for the state of Assam.  The Assam Tribune noted that the forum had pointed out that the strict control exercised over data by central agencies has impeded the efforts of those trying to understand rivers in order to mitigate flood and erosion.


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