Preparing for Rio+20 in Asia

GWP Pakistan collaborated on a National Workshop on Pakistan’s Preparations for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Islamabad on 12-13 September 2011. GWP Pakistan held a side event to promote IWRM and water saving/recycling and environmental conservation measures at ground level. The workshop was organized by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, UN One and the Rio+20 Secretariat.

Mr. Naseer Ahmad Gillani, Chairman, GWP Pakistan participated as Panelist

At the “International Conference on Green Economy and Sustainable Mountain Development: Opportunities and Challenges in View of Rio+20”,  the Chair of GWP South Asia, Sadar Muhammad Tariq, represented the GWP Executive Secretary. He was as a panellist in the session “Policies for Improving Water Governance for Better Livelihoods – Managing Water for Green Economy and Green Growth” and contributed to the “Kathmandu Declaration on Green Economy and Sustainable Mountain Development.” The conference was sponsored by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) with support from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 5-7 September 2011. Naseer Ahmad Gillani, Chairman of GWP Pakistan, also participated in the conference as a panellist and chaired a session on the Declaration.

Photo: Mr. Naseer Ahmad Gillani, Chairman, GWP Pakistan participated as Panelist