Stakeholders Consultation for Indus River

GWP Pakistan collaborated with WWF Pakistan in holding a Stakeholders Consultation in Islamabad on July 16, 2011, on Integrated River Basin Management for the Indus River and Water Stewardship Study.

Over two hundred delegates, including 47 GWP Partners participated in the consultation. Dr. Pervaiz Amir, Member of the panel of experts, and Mr. Khalid Mohtadullah, GWP Senior Advisor, presented their papers and Ms. Simi Kamal, Chairperson, Karachi Water Partnership, facilitated the question and answer session. Two Policy Briefs, “Integrated River Basin Management for the Indus Basin” and “Proposed Elements of Pakistan’s National Water Policy”, and a brief report on “Water Stewardship in Pakistan: The Role of Corporate Sector” were discussed and reviewed for finalization.