Upgrading Flood Information in Pakistan

In 2010, the devastating floods in Pakistan directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure. GWP Pakistan is now collaborating with UNESCO to launch a project in cooperation with the Government of Japan that aims to upgrade the flood forecasting and early warning systems of Pakistan, and to conduct risk mapping of flood plains along the Indus River.

The project will be implemented by UNESCO in close collaboration with its National Partners Pakistan; the Meteorological Department, SUPARCO & PWP and International Partners; ICHARM & JAXA.

This project aims to address three inter-related focus areas;

  1. Strategic augmenting of flood forecasting and hazard mapping
  2. Knowledge platform for sharing trans-boundary and community data
  3. Capacity development for flood forecasting and hazard mapping

The objectives of the project are to:

1)      Strategically strengthen the country’s flood early warning system to ensure safe recovery and return to livelihoods of the affected population

2)      Develop and implement flood hazard maps at community level

3)      Develop both international and national platforms for timely sharing of hydro-meteorological observations

4)      Benefit all the flood affected areas by working closely with all relevant departments of Government of Pakistan.

Primary technical beneficiaries are the Pakistan Meteorological Department (especially its Flood Forecasting Division), Federal Flood Commission (FFC) and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

UNESCO and PWP plans to hold a five day workshop at the end April 2013 which will focus on training of water/flood management experts for the first two days. The next three days will be devoted to an international workshop on knowledge sharing and management. GWP Pakistan will be the coordinating partner of this activity.