Water supply services improved in Nepal through stakeholder consultation

Stakeholder consultation has led to improved services from the Nepal Water Supply Corporation – Biratnagar (NWSCB) that serves 10,000 households. 

The project assessed consumer satisfaction using a questionnaire survey of 500 randomly selected households. Indicators included reliability and adequacy of water supply, responsiveness of NWSCB to consumer demands, hidden costs and willingness to pay. Information on respondents' characteristics was also collected. A separate questionnaire was given to NWSCB management to collect information on the issues they faced.

The findings of the study were shared at a meeting between NWSCB officials and survey respondents where there was positive interaction between the two parties. Consumers were educated about their rights and responsibilities and the service provider explained the constraints they face in improving the quality of service. The project was implemented by GWP Nepal in association with the Water Integrity Network.