Young Water Professionals Symposium

A Young Water Professionals Symposium (YWPS) under the theme of “Towards a water secure future” was organised by the Sri Lanka Water Partnership (SLWP) with the sponsorship of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Unilever Sri Lanka.

The symposium showcased presentations by young water professionals and provided a forum for highlighting critical water issues in Sri Lanka. The symposium was conducted over two days in November 2012 in Colombo.

The symposium inauguration was held under the patronage of Chief Guest, Hon Dinesh Gunawardena, Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage and key note speaker Professor Mohan Munasinghe, joint winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.  Director General of IWMI Mr. Jeremy Bird and Chairman Unilever Mr. Amal Cabraal represented the two sponsors of the event.

The symposium was open to graduate mid-career water professionals below the age of 35 years. Participants included those currently employed in any water sector institution (public or private), and academic staff of universities or research institutes. The prospective authors were asked to submit a short concept note on their selected topic and papers for presentation were selected by a Technical Committee. Twenty four papers were presented at the symposium and awards were presented for the best papers. As a follow up, recommendations arising from the symposium will be used to prepare a policy brief which will be presented to the relevant authorities.