Capacity built for implementation of integrated approach in Rajasthan

Although an IWRM approach was incorporated into the development of the new Rajasthan State Water Policy in 2010, it quickly became clear that few stakeholders had a clear understanding of how it worked. Now, GWP India and their NGO Partner, Jheel Sanrakshan Samiti, have created a better understanding of the IWRM approach by involving all stakeholders in a capacity building programme, enabling them to take the lead in the planning and management of water resources in the state.

Six workshops were held during 2011 with a total of 450 participants. The programme also built a good relationship with the IWRM team in the European Union-Rajasthan State Partnership Programme by inviting them to participate in the training. The materials developed during the programme are now being used by various agencies. The project has given recognition to GWP India's capacity building efforts in support of the implementation of an integrated water resources management approach in Rajasthan.