Engr. Siddique was born on 20 January 1945, graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, BUET in 1966. He started his professional career in 1967 as Asst. Engineer in the Works Programme of the Govt. in Kushtia. When the liberation war of Bangladesh broke out in 1971, he joined the war as a freedom fighter. After the independence of Bangladesh, he continued his professional career with the Public Works Department. In 1976, went to the United Kingdom pursue master’s. He served top tier government administrative positions such as Chairman of the Bangladesh Power Development Board (1999-2000), secretary of Jamuna Bridge Division, Ministry of Communication (2000), secretary of Ministry of Housing and Public Works (2000-2001), Chairman of the Privatization Commission at the Prime Minister’s Office (2001), Executive Director of Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (2002-2004) etc. After the retirement he continued as the leading organiser in many national and international organisations such as Chairperson of GWP South Asia Regional Secretariate, President of Bangladesh Forum for Municipal and Urban Development and President of GWP Bangladesh/Bangladesh Water Partnership.