Platform Modality

The Platform’s engagement modality is country driven. Countries will provide leadership to the Platform, articulating the needs and priority support areas to advance preparation and implementation of climate resilient water projects

Platform modalityIn coordination with the NDA, a national entity will submit a request to the Platform for assistance. In response, the Platform member with the capabilities to provide support will be identified and, in collaboration with the NDA and the entity requesting support, a technical assistance plan will be developed and implemented through inclusive processes with relevant stakeholders. The Platform will facilitate support from among its members (NDAs, DAEs, and other entities) to respond to requests received. The technical assistance plan will be lean and agile, with the goal of enabling countries to advance in the formulation of water projects from project ideas to concept notes that meet GCF requirements.

The key steps are summarised below:

  1. Formal request for support from the country, submitted online via the emails indicated in the Platform web site.
  2. Rapid assessment of the needs for support conducted by the Platform. The assessment involves analysing current requesting country's needs specific to advancing from a project idea to a concept note that has the potential of being approved by the GFC.
  3. The Platform identifies potential support or resources from among its member institutions including NDAs and DAEs from other countries, and other member entities.
  4. Technical Assistance Plan for Project Preparation developed by the Platform, based on stakeholder-informed prioritised needs, available resources and support offered by member institutions. For countries requesting the Platform's support on multiple projects, technical assistance plans will be integrated to leverage synergies, take advantage of economies of scale and capitalise on strengthened, embedded in-country capacity.
  5. Technical assistance implemented through hands-on support for preparation of a concept note that meets GCF investment criteria.
  6. Project concept notes submitted by country to GCF.
  7. Once a concept note is approved, countries will develop a full proposal with assistance from members of the Platform or any other GCF-accredited entity nominated by the NDA.
  8. To inform engagement (in-country and among countries across LAC) in a dynamic manner, the Platform will draw on lessons learned from the process with countries in order to promote exchange thereof at the LAC level.

Across all steps, the Platform fosters horizontal sharing of knowledge, best practices and lessons to allow rapid adaption to in-country context and application to specific water projects. Knowledge packaging, sharing and application will be done in ways suited to the on-the-ground reality in Latin America and the Caribbean, aware of the local political-economic context, existing technical expertise and available administrative capabilities.

Founding Members of the Platform
The Platform is voluntary and open to governments; regional, national, and local entities accredited to the GCF and other global climate funds; regional development finance entities; knowledge institutions; the private sector; and other entities committed to supporting countries in preparing high-quality water projects for climate-resilient development.

The founding members of the Platform are the institutions organising the Technical Workshop on Climate Resilient Water Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean: Transformational proposal preparation concepts for the Green Climate Fund: Global Water Partnership (GWP), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC).