The Response: Towards a project preparation platform

Technical Workshop on Climate Resilient Water Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean: Transformational proposal preparation concepts for the Green Climate Fund has brought together national, regional, and international entities, all of whom are important stakeholders in the GCF architecture, and are committed to contribute to important objective – to enable countries to prepare high quality climate resilience water projects that can be supported by the GCF.

The goal is to strengthen the resilience of LAC populations, its economy and livelihoods, and its ecosystems, specifically those that are most vulnerable in the current and projected climate change scenarios.

The workshop responds to country needs and expressed demand for support to strengthen the capacity of GCF National Designated Authorities (NDAs), GCF Direct Access Entities (DAEs) and ministries and national agencies responsible for water resources management to prepare climate resilient water projects that meet GCF investment criteria. It also responds to a long-time request for a platform for countries to exchange knowledge and lessons as their experience in preparing, financing, and implementing water project grows.

In response to the challenges discussed above, and within the workshop's framework, the establishment of a Project Preparation Platform for Climate Resilient Water Projects is proposed to follow up on the process initiated in the workshop and allow participants to continue collaborating across countries and with partners beyond the workshop, in order to continue sharing experiences and supporting one another as countries advance their project ideas to GCF concept note stage.

The Platform provides a space at the LAC level for NDAs, DAEs and Water Ministries and agencies, regional institutions, climate and development financiers, private sector and other entities that are committed to working together to enable countries to access the technical and financial support they need to prepare and implement climate resilient water projects efficiently and effectively. Relevant entities not at the workshop that share this commitment are invited to join the Platform.

The Platform provides an informal yet structured resource for LAC countries to continue accessing strategic and technical support to prioritise and prepare climate resilient water projects via a facilitated, flexible mechanism that enables demand-driven technical assistance for NDAs, DAEs, and national water agencies. The Platform helps countries to translate their water-related project ideas into concept notes that consider GCF investment criteria, with the view to develop these into proposals for submission to the GCF.

Platform Objective: Improve country capacity for GCF programming

  • Provide a space at the LAC level for countries to access strategic and technical support for prioritisation of climate resilient water projects and preparation of concept notes for the GCF.
  • Help countries to understand specific standards and procedural requirements to access finance from the GCF and other climate funds.
  • Offer a facilitated, flexible mechanism that enables demand-driven technical assistance for national Direct Access Entities, NDAs, and national water agencies and ministries.
  • Assist countries in reviewing and developing their project ideas into project concept notes that meet GCF requirements
  • Assist countries in documenting and exchanging lessons learned in the preparation and financing of climate resilient water projects.

Expected Outcome: Improve quality of water projects for GCF investment

  • Improved understanding of GCF investment criteria, finance instruments, and concrete steps needed to prepare strong water-related adaptation project proposals
  • Improved capacity of DAEs and NDAs to prepare country climate rationales, as well as for inter-agency coordination at the country level to formulate concept notes.
  • Mobilisation of a knowledge management mechanism through which LAC countries can share experiences and lessons
  • Increased quality and quantity of GCF water concept notes submitted that clearly articulate climate rationale and contribution to GCF investment criteria.