Past Events

On this page we link past events that the Support Programme organised or attended and that may be of interest to our Partners or anybody interested in IWRM and the SDGs. Below you can also search for any of the GWP and external water-related events that GWP advertises.



08 June 2022
Kick-off webinar - Learning journey on Innovative Financing for Water Security, through an IWRM Approach

On June 8th, 2022, the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme  hosted a two-part webinar to kick-off the Learning Journey on Innovative Financing for Water Security through an IWRM Approach. Recordings of the webinar are available for both the morning session (AM CEST) and the afternoon session (PM CEST). The event was used as a platform to initiate a learning journey about some of the main bottlenecks and opportunities on how to make better use of available financial resources and draw in much needed additional resources, and to emphasise the importance of creating an enabling environment for financial resources to flow to where it is most needed. More info on the learning journey is available here.

22 March 2022
CSW66 Side Event - Gender Equality and the Empowerment of all Girls: Progress and Challenges in Monitoring the SDGs from a Gender Perspective

Almost two years since the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, the toll on the poorest and most vulnerable people, including women and girls, remains devastating and disproportionate. The combined impact of climate change, environmental disasters, conflict and COVID-19 has deprived the most vulnerable in society of even basic needs such as food security. Speakers discussed where we are on achieving the SDGs from a gender perspective and how more and better gender data are fundamental to building back smarter and preparing for future crises - this included a presentation of SDG 6.5.1 and gender mainstreaming in IWRM.


21 March 2022
World Water Forum 9 - “Financing our future: Shared funding mechanisms for managing shared water resources”

SDG indicator 6.5.1 shows that IWRM financing is the most behind schedule, with a global average implementation rate of 46% in 2020.
This session at the World Water Forum explored how shared financing mechanisms can help manage water resources more fairly and sustainably.




23-24 September 2021
Sustainathon – Sustainability the road to global value

24 hours event organised as part of Remtech Europe to showcase what different countries around the world are doing to achieve the SDGs - especially any activities or initiatives that others may be inspired by and even adopt for themselves.


20 September 2021
2021 Progress on Integrated Water Resources Management (SDG 6.5.1)

Between 14 and 30 September 2021, the UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6) was hosting a series of webinars, where custodian agencies of all SDG 6 indicators presented the 2021 status of water and sanitation. The series included a dedicated webinar for SDG indicator 6.5.1, where the latest data on SDG indicator 6.5.1 was presented by UNEP and acceleration needs and priorities discussed. Videos and the presentations of the session are available here.


16 September 2021
Learning Exchange on Gender Mainstreaming in Water Resources Management

Gender-specific information reported through a SDG 6.5.1 survey showed that gender-related aspects were among the least advanced among all aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). On 16 September, the SDG IWRM Support Programme is organising an online event to share experiences, discuss challenges and enabling factors and discuss what actions to take to advance on gender mainstreaming. Recordings of the session are available here.


7 September 2021
1st International Forum on Big Data for the SDGs

SDG Session on Big Earth Data in Support of SDG 6: Clean water and Sanitation.


25 August 2021
World Water Week

Session on Asia Focus: Accelerating inclusive water governance to advance sustainable development. Watch the recording of the session here.


15 -16 June 2021
European Development Days 2021

Session on Integrated Water Resources Management to accelerate progress on the SDGs. Watch the recording of the session here.


26 May 2021
European river symposium

Session on “Successful river management: the importance of stakeholder involvement


17 May 2021
Water Dialogues for Results │Expert Roundtable on Governance

Expert Roundtable on “Turning the tide on Capacity Development – How to move from individual interventions to systemic capacity strengthening?” as part of the Water Dialogues for Results, Bonn 202, aimed at reinforcing the contribution of Capacity Development to accelerating cross-sectoral SDG 6 implementation. 


13 May 2021 
"Status of IWRM implementation in Central America & the Dominican Republic" Regional Report Launch Event 


27 April 2021

Learning exchange: "IWRM Action Planning to Accelerate Progress on SDG 6"

Learning exchange on the topic, “IWRM Action Planning to Accelerate Progress on SDG 6”. The event had over 150 participants who shared their experiences on how to accelerate Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to contribute to the achievement of the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Watch the recording for the morning session here and the recording for the afternoon session here.



23-24 November 2020
Capacity Development Workshop on Water-related SDGs Integration and Implementation in Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries and beyond


12 October 2020
Pan Asia Learning Exchange Workshop on Monitoring and Reporting of SDG Indicator 6.5.1

The event aimed to provide opportunities for Pan Asia countries to exchange lessons learned both in terms of survey process and substance in Integrated Water Resource Management, which had been carried out in 2020 and also to discuss the way forward towards the achievement of SDG indicator 6.5.1 Integrated Water Resource Management. 




25 August 2019
World Water Week 2019

Session on Accelerating SDG IWRM implementation convened by Cap-Net UNDP, GWP, UNEP and UNEP-DHI Partnership. 


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World Water Week 2025

World Water Week 2025 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, and online, from 24-28 August. This year’s theme is “Water for Climate Action”.