Inf'eau est un magazine produit à partir des articles produits par les journalistes à l'issue de l'atelier régional que GWP organise depuis 2007 et conjointement avec UICN à partir de 2011.
/ Documentos introductorios, Notas informativas, Folletos, Estudios de caso, Instructivos/guías/manuales, Herramientas GIRH, Otros, Resumenes de políticas, Informes/memorias, Resúmenes técnicos / Français
For the past fifteen years, Water Demand Management (WDM) has been emerging as a key issue of sustainable development in the Mediterranean. This comprises a set of measures intended to increase the technical, social, economic, environmental, and institutional efficiency of the various water uses. The Mediterranean region has already gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience of managing water scarcity through WDM and this may be of value to those who are following a similar pathway. This technical focus paper (1,8 MB) captures the experience and projects conducted by Plan Bleu in Mediterranean “eco-region”.
The French version.