Strategic Result Framework at Regional level (6 years to 2020)
GWP CACENA will assist regional countries to formulate their National Water Development Strategies aiming to create water security and facilitate wider IWRM implementation as a part of those strategies. Within six years framework program of the GWP CACENA there will be achieved the following results at regional level:
- IWRM consistency should be fully understandable and acceptable by almost the all CACENA Governments (National Water Authorities) and the key stakeholders.
- IWRM procedures should be fully documented and presented in the form of know-how packages, applicable by different stakeholders at all hierarchy levels of water management.
- There should be created IWRM Knowledge chain in the form of proper capacity development system.
Vision & Mission
The mission of GWP CACENA is “to support CACENA countries in the sustainable management of their water resources”. The guiding principles stem from the Dublin and Rio statements, the Millennium Assembly and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, and adapted over time to reflect the international understanding of “equitable and efficient management and sustainable use of water”.
TABLE A: Strategic Results Framework |
Vision |
“A water-secure world” |
GWP Impact Statement: A higher level of water security and climate resilience achieved in developing countries, transboundary basins and economic regions
Regional level Impact Statement: Help CACENA countries to put water security in place, when society sustainably governs the available water resources and is supplied with basic water management services |
“To advance integrated water resources management for sustainable growth and prosperity at all levels”
GWP Work Programme Overall Outcome: Sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels
Regional level Work Programme Overall Outcome: CACENA countries systemized their efforts for creation water security at all levels using GWP CACENA framework, which promotes power of IWRM as a tool for sustainable development. |
Regional Outcome Challenges & Progress Markers for 2020
GWP CACENA will help to raise capacity and ability of CACENA region to use power of IWRM for sustainable development and increase water security, which should ensure the following:
- Provision of every household with public utilities related to water supply and sanitation
- Achievement of economic productivity in all sectors of economy (including irrigation and energy sectors)
- Sustainable development of the urban zones and cities
- Maintaining healthy river and aquatic ecosystem environment
- Adaptation of society to various changes (climate, risk management, preparedness for manmade and natural disasters, etc.)
Strategic goal 1
“Catalyse Change”. This goal focuses on improving water resources management putting IWRM into practice to help CACENA countries towards growth and water security emphasizing an integrated approach, good governance, appropriate infrastructure and sustainable financing. In doing so, it also focuses on contributing to and advocating solutions for critical for CACENA challenges to water security, such as water diplomacy for transboundary water management, climate change, food, energy and ecosystems sustainability.
TABLE B 1: Strategic Results Framework |
OC |
Outcome Challenges |
Boundary partners |
Progress markers |
1.1 |
Advocacy: an increased stakeholder buy-in for the IWRM approach through regional and country dialogues.
Decision makers and public in large achieved common understanding on the key national and regional water related issues |
1.2 |
Guidance on technical and institutional aspects: tools and methodologies developed to support an increased water security risk responses. |
National Water Authorities and key Regional Bodies got practical outputs from a number of regional pilot projects with strict contribution from GWP CACENA Partners |
Strategic goal 2
“Generate and Share Knowledge”. This goal focuses on developing the capacity to share knowledge and to promote a dynamic communications culture over the CACENA region, so as to support better water management.
TABLE B 2: Strategic Results Framework |
OC |
Outcome Challenges |
Boundary partners |
Progress markers |
2.1 |
Knowledge base: compilation of information and knowledge on recorded practices in IWRM planning and management. |
Mechanisms in place to deliver GWP’s key messages to relevant audiences and key stakeholders in all eight CACENA countries (translations into Russian and local languages, publications and reports, GWP CACENA web-site, etc. |
National Water Authorities and key Regional Bodies achieved clear common understanding of the climate change, green growth process, food security, ecosystems stability and what emerging challenges adaptation mechanisms (including interstate regulations to better transboundary cooperation) are needed fro water secured development.
2.2 |
Capacity building: Raising awareness and understanding of water security and how IWRM tools can be applied.
Strengthened local and regional capacity of National policy making bodies to influence water policy development (with specific focus to selected priority themes).
Strategic goal 3
“Strengthen Partnerships”. This goal focuses on enhancing the GWP CACENA network’s resilience and effectiveness through stronger partnerships, good governance, measuring performance to help learning and financial sustainability.
TABLE B 3: Strategic Results Framework |
OC |
Outcome Challenges |
Boundary Partner |
Progress markers |
3.1 |
Operational GWP CACENA network working with strategic allies and stakeholders to integrate water security and IWRM in the development process
GWP CACENA partners - Regional, national and local governmental organizations, inter-governmental and non-governmental commercial and public organizations, academic and research institutions, companies - the all who deals with water, Host Institute - IWMI |
GWP CACENA Partners and Stakeholders involved into regional and global processes Involvement Mongolia to the GWP CACENA network. |
GWP CACENA will guarantee increased program and financial performance across regional and country partnerships |
Implementation Map at Regional level (3 years to 2017)
The time horizon for this work programme is 3 years: 2014-2016. The implementation Challenge for CACENA region during this period is creation of critical mass of effective driving forces for IWRM practical implementation at different levels of water resources management hierarchy.
The key elements of table C (see below) put as operational response to the key expected results presented in tables A & B.
Implementation Path for Goal 1
High level Output: Facilitation packages for CACENA countries and two sub-regions (Caucasus and central Asia) implemented and innovative, sustainable IWRM solutions and water diplomacy tools promoted
TABLE C 1: Implementation Map |
OC |
OC |
1.1 |
Advocacy for IWRM |
National round-table consultations Special focus to policy dialogues on post development goals in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan (in 2014) and possibly in other countries |
Regional workshops addressing to implement tools of water diplomacy |
1.2 |
Guidance on technical and institutional aspects |
GWP CACENA Partners active participate and contribute to the regional projects implementation: |
1. Promotion of BEAM[1] model |
Training seminars in Central Asian countries |
2. IWRM as a practical approach to climate change adaptation in Caucasus and Central Asia |
Project implementation with field demonstrations (testing) of proper IWRM tools |
3. Green growth – basis for cooperation and water security |
Project implementation - regional strategy for water and green growth in the Aral Sea basin |
4. Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in transboundary basins under the UNECE Water Convention
It is proposed to apply BEAM and ASBmm to evaluate scenarios of the future development of the pilot transboundary basin with existing destabilizing factors and future threats and challenges. Results from basin models can contribute to the organization of water security dialogue in the region; discussion of the "green growth" strategy (with illustration of scenarios). This basis will used also for capacity building and knowledge sharing. |
5. Other relevant projects (food security, energy security, ecosystems, water diplomacy for transboundary cooperation) |
Analytical review papers and observation reports |
Implementation Path for Goal 2
High level Output: Better IWRM understanding and knowledge and capacity developed, disseminated and used over CACENA region
TABLE C 2: Implementation Map |
OC |
OC |
2.1 |
IWRM Knowledge base |
1. GWP CACENA Partners organize awareness raising campaign for water management planning and its application in all CACENA countries.
IWRM awareness raising campaign |
2. GWP CACENA Partners promote knowledge accumulation and dissemination addressing development challenges (including mechanism to use IWRM ToolBox as the repository of GWP knowledge on water resources management, water diplomacy for transboundary cooperation, climate change adaptation, green growth process, etc)
GWP’s knowledge accumulation and dissemination, publications, capacity development actions |
2.2 |
Capacity building |
1. GWP CACENA Partners support coordinated capacity development process and water diplomacy over the region.
Training seminars and study tours, training manuals, review papers |
2. GWP CACENA Partners attend the most important National, Regional and International events to obtain advanced experiences and to share own best practices.
Observation and involvement |
3. GWP CACENA Secretariat in cooperation with other regional and national institutions facilitates regional process towards 7th World Water Forum, aiming effective CACENA’s representation at the WWF-7 in Daegu, Korea in April 2015. |
Facilitation of the regional process under umbrella of the World Water Council |
Implementation Path for Goal 3
High level Output: An effective GWP CACENA Network of partners sustained
TABLE C 3: Implementation Map |
OC |
OC |
3.1 |
Operational GWP CACENA network |
1. Regional Secretariat properly conducts governance of the GWP CACENA network and streamline financial, administrative and governance structures. Organization of the Regional Council meetings.
GWP’s network governance |
2. To conduct inter-regional consultation meetings. Participation in the annual CP meetings of the GWP. |
Involvement and contribution |
3. In cooperation with GWPO Secretariat to process formalities to join Mongolia to the GWP CACENA network |
Procedures and actions to help Mongolia become good standing partner of the GWP CACENA network. |
Resources needed (3 years to 2017)
GWP CACENA Regional Council members will be responsible for steering of the Framework program activities. Regional Secretariat leaded by Regional Coordinator will coordinate program activities with overall three years GWP CACENA work plan in terms of administrative and financial issues, and on the quarterly basis will monitor, advice and evaluate on-going activities and outputs. The Regional Advisory Board is a pool of experts from CACENA countries who will provide advisory and expert services with the aim to achieve the outcomes and outputs within the Regional three years work program. The members of the Regional Advisory Board will be appointed by Regional Council in accordance with needs of the Regional Work Program and will be acting on the basis of the Service Contracts signed by the Regional Secretariat.
GWP CACENA activities in 2014-2016 will be funded partly by the GWP core budget (Euro 220K annually, or in total for three years Euro 660K).
During the past periods GWP CACENA created strong recognition as well standing player within the water resources management sector at the regional and country levels over the CACENA region. Due to established good workable cooperation and alliances with a number of National, Regional and International institutions, GWP CACENA has a great potential for fundraising to expand it’s workplan activities. Using this potential, some funds GWP CACENA is going to bring during 2014-2016 as locally raised in line with on-going or planned projects/activities, financed in the region by International donors and agencies.
In line with Activity 1.1.1 - GWP CACENA Partners support National IWRM policy dialogues in all countries – there are proper plans for 2014. Some CWPs (Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan) will continue in 2014 cooperation with UNECE and UNDP to conduct their programmes on policy dialogues. Also, there is preliminary agreement that CWPs Kazakhstan and Tajikistan will conduct during 2014 the National consultations supported by the UN-Water on post 2015 strategic development goals. The expected locally raised funds under this line are as a minimum USD 14K.
In line with Activities - 1.1.2 GWP CACENA Partners facilitate regional policy dialogues and 2.2.1 GWP CACENA Partners support coordinated capacity development process and water diplomacy over the region – there are some ideas to do it during 2014 in cooperation with some strategic partners. GWP CACENA Secretariat had in 2013 joint consultations with new EC IFAS located in Uzbekistan and SIC ICWC – from one side, and with SDC (regional office in Bishkek), USA Embassy in Uzbekistan (programme of small grants), the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (Ashgabat) and IHE-UNESCO - from another side, to push new initiative on Water Diplomacy. As a starting point, there was proposed to organize Regional Workshop on Water Diplomacy for the Aral Sea Basin during 2014 to consult and agree joint plan of actions addressing to facilitation transboundary cooperation over the region by tools of water diplomacy. The expected funds for this initiative are as a minimum USD 90K (SDC – about USD 40K, USA Embassy – about USD 10K, IHE-UNESCO -about USD 10K, plus GWP CACENA Secretariat is going to apply to GWPO for additional funds – about Euro 20K - to involve into this activity partners from Caucasus).
In line with Activity - 1.2.1 Promotion of BEAM model and other modeling tools for better planning process – GWP CACENA Secretariat had consultations in 2013 with the World Bank (Central Asia Energy-Water Development Program (CAEWDP) and COWI, Denmark about possible cooperation in promotion activities for modelling tools. GWP CACENA allocated for this activity in 2014 the amount of Euro 20K under CCA project. The expected contribution for this initiative from the WB is as a minimum USD 30K.
In line with Activity - 1.2.2 IWRM as a practical approach to climate change adaptation in Caucasus and Central Asia – some CWPs attracted additional funds for demonstration component from GEF small grants programme: CWP-Armenia raised funds with the amount of Euro 9250, CWP – Georgia = Euro 41450, partners from Turkmenistan = Euro 17500. Thus, in total raised locally funds are confirmed by CWPs at the amount of Euro 68100.
Under umbrella of the project, GWP CACENA is going to be actively involved into cooperation via GWPO with global processes addressing to climate change adaptation, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the European Union, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UN‐Water and others. In this regard GWP CACENA with other GWP regions should find the proper ways to be actively involved into the sharing knowledge and exchange of lessons between GWP and those strategic partners, particularly for effective contribution to the global collection of good practices on climate change adaptations. Also, there should be facilitated exchange visits/study tours between GWP regions doing work on water and climate in CACENA, CEE and other regions ‐ Africa, Asia.
In line with Activity - 1.2.3 Green growth – basis for cooperation and water security - GWP CACENA Secretariat had in 2013 joint consultations with new EC IFAS located in Uzbekistan and SIC ICWC – from one side, and with Global Green Growth Institute, Korea and Korean Institute on Construction Technologies (KICT) – from another side, about cooperation to implement green solutions into water sector in Central Asia. KICT showed interest in cooperation with GWP CACENA and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan (MAWR) within a joint project on information system for MAWR of Uzbekistan. There were agreed the following practical steps for the implementation of the joint project:
1. Preparation of the detailed proposal (in the form of feasibility study) on development of information system for the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan by GWP CACENA, SIC ICWC and KICT jointly (October 2013 - January 2014).
2. Visit of a group of KICT experts to Uzbekistan (February 2014) to coordinate the development of the information system feasibility study with the leaders of MAWR Uzbekistan and signing of a memorandum of cooperation in the framework of the joint project.
3. Transfer of feasibility study through the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea to the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for funding.
The GGGI intends to continue work on the development of a regional strategy for the Aral Sea Basin - "Water and Green Growth" - and to mobilize some financial resources for this in 2014. Concerning this the GGGI leaders have considered the fact that this project has been marked as a priority by the new Chair of the Executive Committee of IFAS, Mr. Khamrayev during his meeting with GGGI representative - Mr. Hong in July, in Tashkent. It was agreed that up to the end of 2013, GGGI (Dr. Hong) will introduce a new template for submitting a proposal for funding of the project. The GWP CACENA and SIC ICWC will provide according this form the rationale for the project to develop a regional strategy for the Aral Sea Basin - "Water and Green Growth" - to be considered for allocation of adequate funding in 2014 from GGGI side.
The expected locally raised funds under this line for two above-mentioned projects could be as a minimum USD 200K.
In line with Activity – 1.2.4 Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in transboundary basins under the UNECE Water Convention - GWP CACENA Secretariat in cooperation with new EC IFAS in Uzbekistan and SIC ICWC submitted in September 2013 to the UNECE proposal from Central Asia. The main goal of this activity will be pilot testing of the proper methodology for nexus approach to resource use and sharing benefits within transboundary basin. As a pilot the Syrdarya River Basin was proposed. Riparian Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan (Turkmenistan as observer). The UNECE is conducting negotiations with MFA Finland to allocate proper funds for this assessment project. The expected funds via UNECE under this line could be as a minimum USD 75K.
In line with Activities - 2.1.2 GWP CACENA Partners promote knowledge accumulation and dissemination addressing development challenges and 2.2.2 GWP CACENA Partners attend the most important National, Regional and International events to obtain advanced experiences and to share own best practices – GWP CACENA has in mind to foster alliances with a number of strategic partners to create cumulative effect from joint efforts and actions.
GWP CACENA will continue its active cooperation with Asia-Pacific Water Forum and ADB. GWP CACENA Secretariat during 2014 will contribute to the meetings of APWF Governing Board and will facilitate participation of some partners form CACENA in the APWF network of Knowledge Hubs and foster proper contributions to the Asia-Pacific Water Museum, which is under construction in Thailand. In 2013 GWP CACENA supported translation into Russian the Asian Water Development Outlook 2013, which was published by ADB for 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit, held in May 2013 in Chiang May, Thailand. It was agreed with ADB, that Russian version, which is actually under publication, will be disseminated free of charge by GWP CACENA among the key stakeholders in CACENA region.
GWP CACENA will continue its productive cooperation with INBO, where GWP CACENA Secretariat is an active member of the global Liaison Bureau. It was agreed that GWP CACENA will translate into Russian the second Handbook on IWRM for basins, which was published in 2012 jointly by INBO and GWP. During 2014 the Russian version of Handbook will be published and disseminated over the CACENA region.
GWP CACENA will continue its productive cooperation with CapNet and GWP ToolBox team to use all products available in hands for better capacity development activities, and also to contribute to new knowledge products and training manuals, etc.
There was suggested from GWPO Secretariat than during 2014 GWP CACENA will provide contribution to the TEC TFP (thematic focus paper) on water and green growth issues - experiences from Central Asia. This paper is foreseen within the Activity 2.1.2 of the GWP CACENA workplan 2014.
During 2013 the regional learning initiative was formulated under the umbrella of the “Revitalizing irrigation and agricultural water governance in the Asia Pacific” initiative (TCP/RAS/3304) which has been designed by FAO and IWMI, in collaboration with other main partners (e.g. ADB, WB, etc.) in order to implement the recommendations of the 1st Asia Pacific Water Summit (2009). The Initiative is an ambitious regional undertaking that will encapsulate a range of messages, investments, programs and activities essential to the revitalization of irrigation and agricultural water governance in Asia (including Caucasian countries). GWP CACENA will cooperate with FAO, IWMI, ICARDA, SIC-ICWC and CAREC to support development and implementation of this learning initiative on food security based on their comparative advantages. GWP CACENA via its most active partners (local institutions and experts) already established working cooperation with FAO, IWMI and a number of regional center of excellence and the regional knowledge centers of reference – that will provide opportunities to build targeted consortia quickly and effectively for initiative implementation. GWP CACENA will mostly facilitate the process, thus giving each partner from the network an opportunity to have an ownership for the initiative results. The CACENA countries will have the institutional capacity to deliver agricultural and irrigation advisory / extension services for efficient, equitable, cost-effective and sustainable agricultural water management at irrigation system level (canal, WUA and field). In each country, technical and management capacities of a wide range of stakeholders (including government structures and civil society) will be developed by a pool of multi-country and national experts who can deliver certified training courses. The expected locally raised funds under this initiative were not assessed yet.