GWP CEE has taken part in many international projects supporting the efforts for a water secure world within as well as outside of the Central and Eastern Europe.

Below are our currently ongoing projects. Feel free to also explore our past projects by selecting any from the list on the left side.


Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE)
The Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE) supports the governments of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine in the development of drought management policies and plans. It aims to build the capacity of stakeholders at different levels to use a proactive integrated drought management approach, and also tests innovative approaches for future drought management planning. 
More information about the IDMP CEE.

Horizon Europe project OPTAIN (EU-funded research and innovation project) proposes a social and scientific journey towards the increasing and better understanding of the multiple benefits of Natural/Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM). OPTAIN will identify efficient NSWRM to better adapt to extreme events (floods, droughts) and reduce conflicts between agricultural water uses and other human and environmental demands in small catchments across different biogeographical regions of Europe in close cooperation with local actors.
More information about OPTAIN.

HuT - The Human-Tech Nexus
Building a Safe Haven to Cope with Climate Extremes, The HuT is a new Horizon Europe project that employs innovative disaster risk reduction solutions for multi-hazard risks under climate change by integrating and leveraging the best approaches and recently developed multidisciplinary solutions. In this, the leading European research groups, institutions, and stakeholders will be involved closely to deal with extreme climate events. 
More information about HuT.

Knowledge transfer on drought issues due to climate change for Armenia
Visegrad Fund funded project to support transfer of knowledge and lessons learned from the successful cooperation on drought from the Visegrad Countries. The project offers solutions for adapting to increasing severity and frequency of droughts caused by climate change and to raise awareness on collaborative cross-sectoral drought related management within and outside the V4 region. 
More information about the project.

Danube4ALL project (Restauration of the Danube River basin Waters for ecosystems and people from mountains to coast) is an EU ‘Lighthouse Initiative’ in support of Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030". This 5-year, Horizon Europe funded project consists of a consortium of 48 Partners and Associated Partners from 14 European countries.
More information about Danube4ALL

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