
Danube4ALL project (Restauration of the Danube River basin Waters for ecosystems and people from mountains to coast) is an EU ‘Lighthouse Initiative’ in support of Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030". This 5-year, Horizon Europe funded project consists of a consortium of 48 Partners and Associated Partners from 14 European countries.

The goal of Danube4ALL is to design a comprehensive Restoration Action Plan for the Danube River basin. The innovative aspect of this plan is the unprecedent co-creation process involving various stakeholders, including the integration of citizens' interests. This plan will be scientifically based, practically orientated, and will be the result of a unique scientific, social andeconomic based collaboration.  

Why is it Important? 

The need for such an initiative becomes evident when we consider thechallenges faced by several Europe's rivers today. More than one million barriers on these rivers have severed crucial connections, leading to extensive loss of river connectivity. Additionally, a staggering 70-90% of Europe's floodplain areas have succumbed to ecological degradation due to human alterations. Despite the existence of an ambitious EU policy framework, the implementation of fresh and transitional water ecosystem restoration has been lagging behind. The reasons for this setback include a lack of knowledge, awareness, and active participation of local communities and business entities. 


The Situation on the Danube: 


  • Biodiversity decrease: In the Upper Danube reaches, there has been a notable reduction in fish biomass due to habitat loss and detrimental poaching activities. The presence of migration bottlenecks and navigational impacts compounds the challenges faced by the river's biodiversity. 

  • Loss of floodplains: Approximately 80% of the floodplains along the Danube have been disconnected from the mainstream, leading to ecological imbalances. 

  • Sediment depletion and coastal erosion: Only 40% of the previoussediment volume now reaches the Danube Delta, leading to coastal erosion. The river width has been reduced by up to 39%, and its length by up to 11%. 

  • Climate change and land use: The changing climate and land use patterns are resulting in escalating flood and drought risks, posing significant threats to the river ecosystem. 

How Danube4ALL Plans to Address These Challenges? 


  1. Scientific Measures: Danube4ALL will investigate geomorphology (models to reconnect floodplains, rivers and delta), biodiversity (deliver new insights how to improve water ecological status and key species population), socio-economy (assessment of relevant ecosystem services to create multiple benefits and business models from NBS). 

  1. Stakeholders Engagement: Danube4ALL will empower inhabitants and communities. Aim is to enable better connection between people of different countries, going beyond regular engagement processes and implementing active links with the Danube paying special focus on citizen science. 

  1. Testing of Solutions: The success of the DANUBE4all concept will be proven in the 3 Demonstration Sites. Work methodologies designed in other activities will be applied in a detailed manner, economic benefits computed for each specific case and all the planned activities will be discussed and planned together with the local communities. 

  1. Implementation and Upscaling:Visualizing of the spatial information in an interactive, easy to use and fully open system and development of concrete Replication Roadmaps for restoration action.Upscaling to 10 synergy sites and demonstration sites in other associated regions. 

GWP CEE Role in Danube4ALL 

As a partner with extensive experience in stakeholder engagement and water-related communication, GWP CEE plays an important role in Danube4ALL. GWPCEE will co-lead activities related to dissemination and exploitation. GWP CEE will also collaborate with experts to design various workshops and will develop an online course addressing river restoration challenges on the Danube. Furthermore, GWP CEE is actively involved in activities focusing in engaging citizens in the basin, adopting an innovative citizen science approach. 


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