Central and Eastern EuropeGlobal

Budapest Water Summit 2019

Building on the success of the events held in 2013 and 2016, Hungary will host the third Budapest Water Summit in 2019. Under the patronage of H.E. Mr János Áder, President of Hungary, the conference will take place on 15-17 October 2019. The conference is organised by the Government of Hungary.

The Budapest Water Summit 2019, under the motto ‘Preventing Water Crises’, aims to promote solutions that tackle the problems of the emerging water crises we have to face, building around the issues of abundant, scarce and polluted water. Moreover, the Summit will provide a platform for political decision-makers, representatives of the economic and finance sectors, as well as the members of the scientific society to discuss the challenges and find solutions on how to achieve a water-secure world.

Global Water Partnership at Budapest Water Summit

15 October | 16:30 – 18:00 |  Plenary

Session 3: Water Crises – What Is the Economically Rational Behaviour?

Panelist: Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary and CEO, Global Water Partnership

16 October | 11:00 - 11:30 | Tisza Room

Who is at the Table? Mobilising for a Water Secure World

The event will focus on the indispensable role that must be played by broad, inclusive multistakeholer partnerships which together mobilise to prevent water crises and to provide the solutions (knowledge, governance, technology, financing) to solve water problems. The session will  introduce GWP's new Strategy, which  lays out the areas of action and impact the Network will collectively pursue in the period from 2020 to 2025. 

17 October | 11:30 – 13:00 | Budapest Water Summit Expo

The potential role of youth in solving water crises

Moderator: Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary and CEO, Global Water Partnership

17 October | 13:00 – 14:30 | Tisza Room

The urgent need for effective inter-generational dialogues a joint event with the International Secretariat for Water.

The interactive session will focus on the urgent need to make effective space for youth engagement in policy and decision-making processes in the water sector. During this event young leaders and supporting organisations will discuss the challenges and strategies to support this engagement. They will exchange experiences, best practices and knowledge on how the youth is already shaping the water sector but will also explore answers on how to unlock the access to a larger space for youth to influence decisions and identify strategies to overcome the challenges.

Detailed agenda of the session.

17 October | 10:00 – 13:00 | SDG Corner

GWP Hungary organizes various actvivities for children  focused on water and sustainability. During the day at the SDG corner will run different activities for children of all ages.

10:00 - 11:30 - SDG for kids competition finale

12:30 - 13:30 - Danube Art Master international winners awarding ceremony

Official website

Plenary programme

Expo programme

Side events programme