Rethinking of Water Security for Ukraine

GWP Ukraine joined forces with the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine to discuss the strategic vision of the water policy of Ukraine.

In 2016 GWP Ukraine organized four stakeholders consultations on the strategic issues of water policy as national political dialogue entitled “Rethinking of Water Security for Ukraine”, which was held with support of the State Agency of Water Resources (SAWR) of Ukraine. The dialogue aimed at discussing the strategic vision, long term goals and objectives of the water policy of Ukraine, as well as the need to develop a sectoral strategy required by the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and IWRM implementation. The transfer to the river basin management stipulates substantial institutional and administrative reform the dialogue contributed useful input to the country’s water strategy up to 2030 and adaptation of SDG6 at national level. 


As a result of the dialogue “Rethinking of Water Security for Ukraine” GWP Ukraine prepared a publication, which presents the view of GWP Ukraine on the challenges and vision of water security for Ukraine, as well as formulations of national water goals, targets of sustainable development and indicators to assess the progress in achieving the goal on water-energy-food nexus in Ukrainian context. The publication will be useful for water policy makers and managers, environmentalists and for environmental education.

“Rethinking of Water Security for Ukraine” publication is available here in English and here in Ukrainian.