GWP Hungary’s Chair joins GWP Steering Committee

GWP Hungary’s Chair, Dr. József Gayer was elected a member of the Global Water Partnership Steering Committee, starting his term in December 2018.

Dr. Gayer holds a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Budapest and a PhD in Urban Water Management from the Corvinus University of Budapest. He has previously held the positions of a Head of Section of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Department of River Basin Management and a Director of the International Postgraduate course on Hydrology Head of unit VITUKI Training in the Water Resources Research Centre.

 Dr. Gayer’s involvement with Global Water Partnership dates back to the establishment of GWP Central and Eastern Europe in 1998 and since then he has continuously contributed to the region’s development and growing. In 2011 he was elected Chair of GWP Hungary and thanks to his strategic actions GWP Hungary has gained a full recognition by all important authorities in Hungary. In 2013 and 2016, he positioned GWP Hungary as one of the important co-organizers of Budapest Water Summit. By liaising with strategic partners and supporters, he managed to implement projects in Hungary like Stockholm Junior Water Prize Contest and SDG Preparedness Facility Programme.

 Jozsef-Gayer-GWP-Steering-CommitteeDr. Gayer is member of various associations, including the Hungarian Hydrological Society, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, the Scientific Committees of the General Directorate of Water Management and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is also the author of the book “Urban Water Management – Rainwater Disposal”, an editor-in-chief of the GWP Water Management Glossary, and an author and coauthor or more than 90 papers, lectures and book chapters in different fields of water management. His input was also instrumental for the development of the Technical Focus Paper “Integrated Water Resource Management in Central and Eastern Europe: IWRM vs EU Water Framework Directive”.

GWP CEE Regional Council members and GWP CEE Secretariat would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Gayer for his valuable contribution to the development of the region and to wish him all the best as a Member of GWP Steering Committee.