GWP CEE signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the EUSDR

In March 2019, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe and the EU Strategy For The Danube Region Priority Area 4 (Water Quality) and Priority Area 5 (Environmental Risks) signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Memorandum of Understanding is an excellent opportunity for a closer cooperation between the EUSDR Priority Area 4 and Priority Area 5 and the Global Water Partnership for Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) in the areas that are mutually relevant for both entities. Specifically, GWP CEE and EUSDR PA 4 and PA 5 will focus on the following areas:

  • Integrated river basin management planning and flood risk prevention
  • Integrated urban water management
  • Knowledge sharing and capacity building activities
  • Capacity development in climate change adaptation strategies and integrate these into national, transboundary, and regional planning processes.
  • Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, and specifically SDG6 (water).

GWP CEE and EUSDR PA4 and PA5 have agreed to promote the integrated water resource managment as a means to adapt to global challenges such as climate variability (floods, droughts) and change, to work together on global advocacy through developing a mutual and coherent strategic approach to regional and national initiatives.

 Another area of mutual interest is supporting ongoing water governance processes at regional and national levels and the multi-stakeholder participation. Both entities have agreed to continue raising awareness and building capacity of planners, policy and decision makers towards integrated urban water management, as well as bringing innovative and alternative approaches to water and wastewater management.