Danube Floodplain Winter Online School was successfully held between 15 and 19 November. The multi-layered programme covered the topics of the scientific methods developed in the Interreg Danube Floodplain project, and the working practices in water and flood management.
The second Danube Floodplain Webinar will focus on examples of successful nature-based solutions, connecting different projects, and understanding design and implementation
The World Bank and Global Water Partnership CEE organize an online workshop on 20-21 September 2021 to tackle water scarcity and droughts which are amongst the most tangible and devastating consequences of the climate crisis.
100% free and accessible to everyone, a new Danube Floodplain Online Course will teach you about aspects of floodplain management, show you examples of floodplain restoration measures, and explain how to apply tools and knowledge developed by the project itself.
Young water leaders from Central and Eastern Europe attended COP25 in Madrid as part of the GWP youth delegation to continue the efforts of GWP to engage and empower youth in water and climate governance.
Young Water Professionals from 11 countries of Central and Eastern Europe gathered at COP24 to advocate for youth engagement in decision-making processes.
On 9 October 2018, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) together with partners from DriDanube project held Consultations on the Principles on Investments and Financing for Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction at the Romanian National Meteorological Administration in Bucharest, Romania.
The DANUBE FLOODPLAIN Project (Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries) had its official “Kick-Off Meeting and First Stakeholder Event” on September 27-28, 2018 at the Capital Plaza Hotel, in Bucharest, Romania.