
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Shared Vision Planning approach applied in Tisza River Basin

The uneven distribution and quality of water resources in the Tisza River Basin brings challenges on how to elaborate the Programme of Measures as required by the EU Water Framework Directive. The team of 43 experts is currently working on the update of River Basin Management Plan under the Interreg project JOINTISZA.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Summer School brings youth in CEE a step closer to 2030 Agenda

The Summer School „Towards 2030 Agenda: A summer school for climate change, innovation and youth advocacy in water management“ took place on 1- 6 July 2018 at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Towards a more sustainable use of Danube river in Northwestern Bulgaria

On 28 June, a conference dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of the Danube River in the Northwest Bulgaria was organized in Vratsa, Bulgaria. The event was jointly organized by Global Water Partnership Bulgaria (GWP Bulgaria) and the Regional Administration of Vratsa.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Nature-based solutions address water challenges in Central Europe

On the occasion of the World Water Day 2018 and its topic ‘Nature for Water’, we present the FramWat project. It brings an innovative approach to the implementation of the nature-based small water retention measures in the river basin management plans.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Nature-based solutions for decentralized wastewater treatment in the Lower Danube

GWP Central and Eastern Europe successfully completed a project on innovative wastewater treatment, developed in cooperation with IRIDRA and the Water Science Institute in Slovenia. The project was supported by the EU Joint Research Centre and was implemented in Kamniška Bistrica River Basin Slovenia during the years 2016-2017.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Kampinoski National Park wetlands revived

GWP Partner Warsaw University of Life Sciences, together with other partners restores and maintains the wetland in Kampinoski National Park in a LIFE-financed project Kampinos Wetlands.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Slovakia - a step further in proactive drought management

The Slovak Drought Action Plan that includes preventive measures in a number of areas, specifically agriculture and forestry, urban landscape, water management, research and environmental education, is expected to be approved in Spring 2018.