Since its inception in 1996, GWP has advocated for water resources to be a high priority on the development agenda because water is connected to virtually every area of human life: health, economic growth, energy, food, transport, education, ecosystems, even peace.
Now water resources has its place in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG #6), and GWP is committed to strengthening its role as one of the big stakeholders for implementation at country level. GWP has spelled out its ambitions in “GWP: A Key Global Asset.”
“It is a very fragmented water community out there. It is highly diverse and everybody wants to lead – it has become an overcrowded space. This needs to be re-structured”, says GWP Executive Secretary Rudolph Cleveringa.
“This is where GWP can come in: to act as a bridge between the many sectors, banking on the credibility we have achieved over the first 20 years through our role in bringing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to the water agenda.”
To explain GWP’s role, the video is launched on March 15 in the run-up to World Water Day (March 22) when much of the world’s attention is focused on water issues. GWP’s invitation to all stakeholders is to join the GWP network – which already has over 3,000 institutional partners worldwide – so that everyone can work in partnership to secure water for sustainable development.