The most common page types

When you create a new page by right-clicking on the article in the menu you will create it under, you can select one template to use in a list of several templates. The most common page types are:

Main templates

Standard page 

Normal article, which includes functions such as modules for the right-hand side menu, push areas and maps.

News List page

Creates a list of pages which are autogenerated. It can only list "News pages", not "Standard pages". First create the list, and then create News pages under it.

News page

Create a News Page when you want to make a list of items where the articles are autogenerated. It is like a standard page and includes functions such as modules for the right-hand side menu, push areas and maps. The only difference is that it also appears in a list on the list page.

Interviews page

Create an interviews page if you will create a list of articles, and at the same time include a picture and a video. When you are in the Interviews page, you will only be able to create Interview items, no other type of article.

Search result page  

This enables you to have speciffic search results for your site/section

Map page

Very useful page to show a map of geotagged articles. Could show new items, partners, CWPs, what ever you want to show on a geo location map.     

Partner search page

A pre-built partner search feature. Every site should have one!

Pages that are very usful but have special behaviours

RSS Containers

For listening to external RSS feeds

Category filters

For listening and building lists of articles matching a certainc ateogry (awesome for creating related links on the right hand side of your site)


This is like a "folder" and has no real content. Great to help you get organised.

Other templates that are not so often used include:

Glossary page   - Used by the global site to act as the GWP dictionary

Contact List page - Not so useful (currently, though this is being updated) way to list out the contacts at an organisation. To be improved.
Sitemap page