1. Can an individual firm with own in-house experts team up with outsourced external experts to apply as one team?
YES, as long as the Eligibility Conditions-Participation Requirements outlined in the Call’s documents are respected.
2. Can one individual expert fill the requirements of two fields? what would be the required years of experience for the expert?
As described in the Call for Offers under Regarding Section 1: Expertise and work experience, “if the qualifications of an expert cover the requirements of more than one area of expertise, that expert can be also proposed for these other areas.”
The years of expertise need to reflect the minimum years required for each expertise. For example, if one expert is required to show 7 years expertise in a certain field (e.g hydrology-this is a random example not relevant to the specific Call) and the second expert 10 years expertise in the other field (e.g climate change-this is also a random example not relevant to the specific Call), the proposed expert needs to prove the length/duration of expertise acquired for each field, e.g 7 years for the first and 10 years for the second field. If the expertise involves projects that the expert has implemented and that integrate both fields (e.g projects that relate at the same time to hydrology and climate change) the applicant needs to clearly describe this, so as to show that both fields were covered by the proposed expert for the required duration, in our example, 7 years for hydrology and 10 years for climate change.
3. You have requested the firm to have a minimum duration of operation of ten (10) years with a Proof to be provided by the related chamber (date of registration). is between 9.5 and 10 years registration acceptable?
Minimum duration of operation of ten (10) years means that the bidder must have 10 years completed at least.
4. What is the type of Guidance and support that will come from the relevant national counterparts, namely the Lebanese Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW).
Both mentioned Ministries are the National Focal Points (FPs) for this project, and their guidance is essential to ensure the project's successful implementation and long-term sustainability. Therefore, all steps undertaken during the project's execution will be thoroughly discussed and mutually agreed upon with the FPs. Their guidance might encompass various aspects, such as recommending specific stakeholders to involve in the process, maintaining effective communication with them as necessary, ensuring that the project adheres to and aligns with existing laws, strategies, and action plans, sharing pertinent documents that may be available, as well as providing advice on how to address any specific challenges that may arise during the project's implementation.
5. What is expected on this point following: “This will include providing necessary technical training to enhance the authorities’ capabilities for utilizing the information in the future.” What kind of trainings? How many?
The goal is to supply national authorities with a sustainable and functional WEAP model for the specific River Basin/Area. This will require providing technical training to the authorities' staff so they can effectively utilize the model outputs to make informed decisions. To achieve this it is recommended that the applicant plans for a comprehensive training program to ensure the development of capacity in using the provided model.
6. Is the Draft Table of Content Final?
As it is mentioned in the ToRs, the Draft Table of Contents provided in Annex I is preliminary and as part of the Preparation of an Inception Report / Scoping Report (SR) the experts will “after agreement with GWP-Med, inform / amend the annotated Table of Contents of Damour IMP prepared by GWP-Med in collaboration with the other EPs”.
7. Is there a definite number of institutions and stakeholders to reach out before preparing the IMP? is there a specific list stakeholders? Or a stakeholders analysis must also be performed?
A stakeholders’ mapping relevant to the Damour Area IMP will be implemented by another Executing Partner (EP) of the project. Moreover, in collaboration with the National Focal Points the EPs will possibly identify additional stakeholders to engage in the process. Therefore, the ToRs do not require to prepare a stakeholder analysis. However, the Consultant(s) can assist with the identification of additional stakeholders based on their previous experience in the area, if applicable.
8. What kind of data is readily available and can be considered validated? What databases are going to be shared and which can be considered final and which would need validation?
The Consultant(s) are responsible for identifying and collecting existing data. All data, including raw data and other information gathered during the project’s implementation, will be shared with the National Focal Points (FPs). Validation may require experts’ input (from the Consultant(s)), consultation with other relevant stakeholders during bilateral and multi-lateral consultation processes and FPs endorsement.