The 4th edition of the Drin Day celebrations, aiming to inspire collective actions towards protecting the Drin River Basin and its freshwater ecosystems, is organized under the auspices of the Drin Coordinated Action on the 5th of May 2017. Four NGOs/CSOs will be supported by the GEF Drin Project to conduct event(s) for the Drin Day 2017!
You are invited to submit your application to receive support describing the events you wish to organize. An amount of $ 5.000 -$ 7.000 for labor costs & for promotional/printing costs) is available as seed funding to support each selected organization.
Six to eight NGOs/CSOs will be selected from the following Drin Riparians : Albania (NGOs/CSOs), Kosovo (NGO/CSOs), Montenegro (NGO/CSO) and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NGO/CSOs).
You are kindly invited to read carefully the attached (TORs and Operational Guidelines) and submit your proposal (Application Form) to the GWP-Med Secretariat by 31 of March 2017. The successful applicants will be notified by 7th of April 2017.
We look forward to having your organization on board in this endeavor to directly approach citizens in an activity which will not only be beneficial to the environment but which will also support NGO and stakeholder’s consensus in knowing that we are all joining efforts and making a statement at the same time throughout the Drin River Basin. Feel free to disseminate the call!
More details about the Project and the Process can be found here.
Proposals should be submitted to and by 31 March 2017.