Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector


In the Mediterranean region, despite the significant allocation of public funds and the flow of aid, countries struggle to meet the financial requirements that water-related strategies and plans entail. The lack of a sound governance framework undermines the quality and financial sustainability of the water and sanitation sector.

Mismanagement, low financing and lack of absorption capacity at both national and local levels impede the efficient mobilisation of additional managerial and financial resources, particularly from the private sector.

At the same time, political unrest in the Mediterranean region amplified the need for socio-political reforms. There is a clear demand for more efficient water service provision; wider participation of stakeholders; more decentralised planning and implementation processes; and more transparent and accountable decision making.

Our Goal

The project aims to diagnose key governance bottlenecks to mobilising financing for the Mediterranean water sector and to support the development of consensual action plans based on international good practices.


The project was formally launched during a Regional Conference that took place on 28-29 May 2013 in Barcelona, Spain, under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean. During its 3 years of implementation (mid 2013 - mid 2016) it develops through an interplay of technical work at national level and annual regional conferences.

Support to the Project

Strategic partnerships with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the FEMIP Trust Fund (FTF) of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the GEF – UNEP/MAP MedPartnershipprogramme and the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative (MED EUWI) have been instrumental in setting the project in motion and under effective implementation.

Albania, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia have submitted official support letters, signed at the Minister’s or Secretary General’s level. Additional countries may be added pending official request and availability of financial resources.