This landmark event brought together more than 50 participants from the local, regional and national level and served as a knowledge-sharing platform for technical and policy interventions concerning climate change adaptation through WEFE Nexus smart irrigation solutions and their replication and upscaling.
The event concluded the work of the ACCISI-GEM project, demonstrating the success of regional collaboration in delivering tangible solutions, and specifically:
- developed a common vision and framework among key stakeholders for the wider adoption of sustainable agricultural practices using the WEFE Nexus approach in the country;
- formulated realistic policy recommendations, informed by ongoing national efforts, and building a collaborative Action Plan to scale up smart irrigation technologies and renewable energy solutions;
- discussed financial incentives and opportunities for farmers along with public policies for replication in other regions in Tunisia, and strengthened the institutional support for the application of smart irrigation and the adoption of the WEFE Nexus approach in agriculture.
During the opening session, Dr. Anthi Brouma, Deputy Regional Coordinator of GWP-Med, stressed the critical role of agriculture as the backbone of societies and political economies across the Mediterranean region, with farmers at the forefront of the challenges related to water scarcity and climate change, applying and testing solutions that can lead to sustainability. Dr. Brouma highlighted the role of sustainable agricultural development as one of the most powerful tools for reducing poverty, raising incomes and improving food security and to this end, the tangible results of the ACCISI-GEM project can serve as inspiration for replication within and beyond Tunisia.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Tania Carabott, Counsellor, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Malta underscored the historical and cultural ties between Malta and Tunisia and the shared aspirations and commitment for a prosperous and peaceful Mediterranean region. Ms. Carabott shared her belief in the transformative potential of the ACCISI-GEM project for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Tunisia’s rural sector, in view of agriculture’s contribution to climate change, food security, energy, community empowerment and the surrounding ecosystems. In her opening statement, she stated that “The agricultural sector remains one of Malta’s development assistance priorities and Tunisia continues to be one of the most valued partners in the Mediterranean region.”
Ms. Maroua Khalfallah, a principal engineer in the water resources department at The Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development (CRDA) Bizerte, highlighted the urgent challenges posed by climate change, underscoring the critical need for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts to address them: “Climate change is affecting coastal regions, including Tunisia, and has caused significant and sometimes irreversible damage due to irresponsible human activity and high pollution levels. The impacts are evident in escalating temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, rising sea levels, and the salinization of groundwater. These transformations are not only destabilizing fragile ecosystems but also fueling the overexploitation of natural resources. The consequences extend far beyond the environment, amplifying social and economic vulnerabilities and heightening risks across the region.”
Closing the opening segment, HE Dr. Joseph M. Sammut, Ambassador of Malta in Tunisia, highlighted the historical affinity and geographical proximity between Malta and Tunisia and the resulting impressive overlap in identities, language, and customs. Dr. Sammut pointed to the role of agriculture, not only as the largest water user in the Mediterranean region, but importantly as the enabler for poverty reduction, shared prosperity and food security, especially for feeding the projected 10 billion people by 2050. He reiterated the continued support of Malta to Tunisia and the Tunisian people, and shared the expectation of capitalising on the ACCISI-GEM results, replicating them for the benefit of the local communities, and ultimately assisting Tunisia to meet its national goals and international commitments.
Policy Dialogue Session and Collaborative Action Plan
Following the opening session, the Workshop explored the results of the policy dialogue process and the proposed collaborative action plan for upscaling smart irrigation technologies and renewable energy solutions. The policy recommendations were developed through a desk-study analysis, semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and a series of consultation workshops with a core team comprising representatives from key institutions such as the Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development CRDA Bizerte, the Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency (APIA Bizerte), the National Institution of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT), the Territorial Unit of extension services (CTV Ghar Elmelh), the Local Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (ULAP Ghar Elmelh), the Agricultural Extension and Training Agency (AVFA), IrWise startup, agricultural consultants, and ENDA TAMWEEL as financial organizations.
Key policy recommendations included:
- The adoption of a national Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) policy and the establishment of a formal WEFE Nexus monitoring committee to ensure thesteering and effective implementation of the coordination and collaboration model.
- The creation of a dedicated national fund to support climate-resilient agricultural practices.
- Financial incentives for the acquisition of smart irrigation systems and solar energy solutions.
- Capacity-building initiatives for institutional actors to enhance their understanding and implementation of the WEFE Nexus approach.
The session also emphasized the importance of developing a shared vision for the WEFE Nexus approach and identifying opportunities to accelerate the adoption of smart irrigation technologies in Tunisia. Discussions further explored financial incentives for farmers, public policy frameworks, and strategies for replicating successful models in other regions of Tunisia.
Technical Results and Farmer Testimonies
The last session of the Workshop showcased the technical results achieved in the selected farming parcels of Ghar ElMelh by the project’s technical partner, the National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT). Through continuous collaboration with the farmers, the project successfully implemented smart irrigation systems, delivering irrigation instructions and generating alerts to optimize water use. The results were remarkable: on four farms in Ghar ElMelh, water use for irrigation decreased by 27.2% for crops such as squash, pepper, tomatoes, and potatoes, while food production increased by 31.2%. The results also highlighted the preliminary outcomes of the renewable energy solutions implemented under the project. Two photovoltaic stations were successfully installed in two farms, marking a significant step toward integrating sustainable energy into agricultural practices.
These impressive outcomes were complemented by positive testimonies from beneficiary farmers, who shared their experiences and the project’s tangible benefits for their plots. Their stories highlighted the project’s success in balancing resource efficiency with increased agricultural productivity.
Field Visit and Official Inauguration
The Workshop also featured a field visit to two of the project sites, where participants witnessed the practical application of smart irrigation technologies and renewable energy solutions.
The visit culminated in the official inauguration of the equipment by His Excellency Dr. Joseph M. Sammut, Ambassador of Malta to Tunisia, in the presence of workshop participants and local authorities. This field visit marked a significant step forward in the adoption of smart and sustainable agricultural practices in the region.
The final multi-stakeholder workshop not only celebrated the achievements of the ACCISI-GEM project, but also laid the ground for future action and upscaling of the WEFE Nexus approach at the national level. By fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders and presenting actionable recommendations, the project has set a precedent for addressing the challenges of climate change through innovative, sustainable, and inclusive solutions.
Adapting to Climate Change Impacts through Smart Irrigation in Ghar El Melh wetland area, Tunisia (ΑCCISI GEM) Project was launched in late 2023, implemented in the Governorate of Bizerte, by the Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean under the leadership of the General Directorate of Rural Engineering and Water Exploitation (DG-GREE) within the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, in partnership with the National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia and in collaboration with the Regional Commissary for Agricultural Development CRDA Bizerte. It is financially supported by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Malta and co-financed from the GEF UNEP/MAP MedProgramme .