News and Activities

/ Mediterranean

International Women's Day: "Male Voices on Gender Equality"

With the advent of International Women’s Day 2022, GWP-Med is presenting the “Male Voices on Gender Equality”. Aiming to highlight the male perspective on gender, we asked seven of our male partners from the Mediterranean the following question: "Why is it essential to empower women in water cooperation settings?"
/ Mediterranean

The secret to effective stakeholder engagement for applied Nexus solutions

Why is stakeholder engagement a crucial ingredient for the success of Horizon projects, and in particular those that focus on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus? What is the secret to ‘getting it right’? And what are some common myths and pitfalls to be avoided? We hear from ICatalist, a consultancy specialized in climate change adaptation and sustainability,and REXUS partner leading the Work Package on Learning and Action Alliances. Interviewed by Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean, REXUS communication and dissemination leader.