On World Wetlands Day 2022, GWP-Med presents the stories of farmers and young entrepreneurs who live close to Ghar El Melh, one of Tunisia’s most precious wetlands. How and why did they decide to act to save this natural treasure? Was their effort worth it?
Through an inclusive multi-stakeholder approach, the AIP WACDEP-G programme aims to actively engage public sector policy and decision makers in its implementation. Targeted capacity building is a core element to ensure active engagement and a sense of ownership by stakeholders.
The GWP 2021 Network Meeting of Partners took place online on 1 & 2 December under the Theme “Leading Change and Innovation through our Partners”. GWP-Med was actively involved, presenting examples of success stories from its work around the Mediterranean in several Breakout Sessions.
An online Workshop on “Gender Equality (GE) for Sustainable Development in Nexus sectors in Drin Riparians” took place on 12 October 2021 with the participation of around 55 representatives from different gender related institutions and nexus related sectors, gender focal points, civil society, academia, women empowerment activists and experts from Albania, Kosovo* and North Macedonia. Its overall purpose was to bring these actors together to discuss challenges and opportunities for promoting gender equality as a driver for sustainable development in Drin Riparians.
Stakeholders from the political sphere, scientists, activists, and professionals that participated at the online workshop “Gender dimensions in the sustainable management of natural resources through a Nexus approach in the Drina River Basin” acknowledged the fact that women are disproportionately affected by natural disasters and should have a more active role in decision making on environmental issues.
Responding to the demand expressed by Mediterranean countries to accelerate access to GCF opportunities for adaptation projects, the 2nd Technical Workshop on GCF Project Preparation for Transformational Cli-mate Resilience Water Projects in the Mediterranean, with emphasis on Gender objectives and require-ments, was organised online, on Thursday, 11 February 2021, 09:30-12:30 CET.
The ad-hoc Steering Committee for the Nexus activities in the Drina River Basin under the SEE Nexus Project, supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), had its first online meeting on 15 October 2020. Representatives from the Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia relevant to the water, energy and environment sectors, were informed about and commented on the project’s objectives and planned activities in the basin.
What is so special about water diplomacy? And where does the discussion on women and gender fit in?
Placing women, water and diplomacy in the same sentence, often enough causes reactions that include head-scratching and eyebrow-raising; the link among them is not easily -nor well- understood.