Inception Meeting of the Preparation Phase of the GEF Drin Project

The Inception Meeting of the Preparation Phase of the GEF Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin” was organized on the 27th and 28th May 2013 in Tirana, Albania, back to back with the First Meeting of the Parties to Drin Memorandum of Understanding .

The Inception Meeting signaled the initiation of the preparation phase during which the beneficiary Drin Riparians and the partners will work to develop the Project Document. The full phase of the project is expected to start in early 2014. 

The meeting was organized by the implementing agency and the executing partners of the project i.e. UNDP and UNECE, GWP-Med, UNOPS respectively and hosted by the Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration.

Fifty one participants representing the beneficiary and non-beneficiary Drin Riparians as well as national, regional and international stakeholders, discussed the structure and content of the Project and provided advice to the implementing and executing partners with regard to the next steps to be followed. 

The meeting approved the Project Preparation Phase workplan presented by the implementing and executing partners. 

For more information, please visit:
