“Flood management in a transboundary context” Workshop, Croatia, December 2011

A successful Capacity Building Workshop on “Flood Management in a Transboundary Context” was organized on the 13th and 14th of December in Zagreb, Croatia, under the Petersberg Phase II / Athens Declaration Process by the Global Water Partnership- Mediterranean (GWP-Med) with the support of the German Ministry of Environment and GEF IWLEARN.

Twenty eight practitioners (see the List of Participants) from Southeastern Europe countries attended a two days programme ( see the Agenda) lectures and participated in case studies exercises and facilitated discussions.

(All the Presentations can be found at: http://www.slideshare.net/GWP-Mediterranean/workshop-on-flood-management-in-a-transboundary-context)

The objective of the Workshop was to provide the necessary information and training to practitioners that are involved, at the national or transboundary levels, in the management of international waters to:

• Become familiar with the European acquis as well as with international legal documents related to flood management.

• Understand how climate change, based on the current projections, is likely to affect flood occurrence and severity; understand how this factor of uncertainty can be introduced/taken in consideration in IWRM planning.

• Understand the mechanisms of preparedness and mitigation regarding floods and their application in a transboundary context.

• Understand the linkages between hydro-energy production and floods – how management of dams can be introduced as a parameter in river basin management - reference to good practices as well as bad examples.

• Management of floods and river basin management - how the first can be integrated in the second (reference to good practices in Southeastern Europe).

• The challenges in terms of cooperation at the transboundary level (on the flood management and preparedness), bad and good examples.

This Workshop was part of a series of capacity building activities including training workshops and study visits that focus on methodologies and experiences on addressing issues of transboundary water resources management in the framework of the Petersberg Phase II / Athens Declaration Process and GEF IW:LEARN.

The aim of these capacity building activities is to enhance the practical capacity of key stakeholders on priority issues of integrated management of shared water bodies, hence assisting in advancing practical application in Southeastern Europe (SEE). The initiative works in synergy with the GEF IW projects in the area and supports the implementation of the objectives of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative (MED EUWI).

Contact information:

Dimitris Faloutsos

Programme Coordinator for Southeastern Europe Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med)

12, Kyrristou str. 10556 Athens, Greece

T: +30210-3247490, -3247267 F: +30210-3317127

E-mail: secretariat@gwpmed.org

Website: www.gwpmed.org