Conference on “Horizon 2020” and Private Investor Involvement

Athens, Greece, 22-23 October 2007


Following up the commitment of all the Euro-Mediterranean Partners to "endorse a feasible timetable to de-pollute the Mediterranean Sea by 2020", the European Commission launched the 'Horizon 2020' initiative (Cairo, November 2006) that aims to tackle the top pollution sources of the Mediterranean by the year 2020.

The role and ways to enhance the involvement of private investors in Horizon 2020 were discussed at the related Conference, 22-23 October 2007, held in Athens, Greece. Reference to the Conference has been made in the Cairo Ministerial Declaration (November 20th, 2006), where the Euro-Mediterranean Ministers of Environment notably “urge banks, other financial institutions and Clean Tech Venture Capital Funds to participate in this endeavour”. Investments are in particular expected in the urban and industrial waste water treatment and waste management sectors, which are the most crucial for tackling land-based pollution in the Mediterranean.

The objective of the Conference was to gather key-players involved in the Horizon 2020 initiative to explore the ways of involving the private sector in support of the initiative.

The Conference was organized by the GWP-Med, jointly with the European Partners for Environment (EPE), the Institut Mediterraneen de l'Eau (IME) and MedCities.


???For further information, please find attached the provisional agenda and a short information note of the Conference (pdf documents to be downloaded) as well as the presentations made available by the invited speakers (in ppt format).???