“How to connect policy and science for an improved water management” Workshop

The Training Workshop on “How to connect policy and science for an improved water management: A practical introduction to application of knowledge brokering in the Sava River Basin Management Planning” that was held from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December 2011 in Zagreb, Croatia was proved to be fruitful and lucrative.

The Training Workshop was organized by the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) and the UNESCO Venice Office, with the assistance of the GWP-Med.

The workshop aimed at enhancing the capacity of science and policy stakeholders expected to be involved in the preparation and or implementation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan to be able to:

(i) share all available (scientific, local and procedural) knowledge related to a river basin;

(ii) integrate and apply this knowledge in a river basin management planning process and;

(iii) use knowledge brokering practices to improve the stakeholder involvement in the river basin management.

The participants (see the List of Participants) learned new methods to share knowledge and strengthen the relationships between science and policy in order to be able to apply these methods in their own situations.

The training was set up around practical examples, case studies, practical exercises, reflection and facilitated discussion. The programme included a number of presentations and practical exercises (see the Agenda).

(All the Presentations can be found at: http://www.slideshare.net/GWP-Mediterranean )

Contact information:

Dimitris Faloutsos

Programme Coordinator for Southeastern Europe Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med)

12, Kyrristou str. 10556 Athens, Greece

T: +30210-3247490, -3247267 F: +30210-3317127

E-mail: secretariat@gwpmed.org Website : www.gwpmed.org