Inception Meeting of the Working Group on Shared Water Resources Management

Athens, Greece, 17 January 2007


The overall objective of the Working Group on Shared Water Resources Management is to promote synergies between competent EU and non EU partners of the Mediterranean and SEE region and to assist in the formulation of a common approach on key aspects of joint management of shared surface and ground water resources.

Promoting cooperation over shared waters should aim among others at reducing water poverty, protecting natural resources and preventing crises and conflicts. Joint management of shared water resources can also encourage deepened cooperation amongst riparian countries that goes beyond the water sector.

In particular, the new activity on "Shared Water Resources Management" aims to:

- Review current policies, agreements and practices in the EU and the Mediterranean area on the issue;

- Promote synergies, at decision-makers and stakeholders level, for the sustainable management of the shared water resources of the region and facilitate the exchange of experiences and know-how between experts (EU and non-EU);

- Promote common approach and methodology on shared water resources management, based on the IWRM principles and building among others on the provisions of the WFD, and prepare related recommendations;

- Improve awareness raising as well as distribution of information on shared waters cooperation and management;

- Create the basis for additional related action in the region.